Face vs bowl, that old chestnut!

I've been using soaps for around a year, despite trying bowl lathering (in shiny stainless steel bowls) I've had much better results with face lathering. I'm considering getting a surubachi bowl, will this enhance my early morning ritual?
What do you think, face vs bowl?
I occasionally bowl lather, and when I do, I use a Suribachi. Most days it's straight from the puck to the face. My fiancée uses a Suribachi exclusively...though...come to think of it, I don't think she face lathers. ;)
I think the stubble on your face does the same as the texture on a bowl. It gives the lather something to build on. Smooth sided bowls do not seem to give the lather a surface to build on. A Suribachi has the texture so it should help with lather building.
Hadn't thought of that Wayne, however it makes sense. When I bowl lathered it invariably worked better if the bowl was ridged. I also used to fill it with boiling water to warm up prior to use and leave it sitting whilst I got on with face washing etc.

JohnnyO. o/
face lathering knocks bowl lathering into a cocked hat. i want the lather to soften my bristles, not merely be painted on !
the difference is intolerable to me and ,with the same blade and razor, is the difference between a smart shave and a grated face. seriously, the difference is that stark for me. if you are making your lather in a bowl then putting it on your face, is it not akin to just putting canned foam onto your face? i cringe when i see SOTD pics sometimes as the fancy lather on show bears no resemblance at all to what i find works. i am sure some people may take the opposite view and i wont argue-if it works for them then great! but for me it face lathering all the way, the only way!
face lathering knocks bowl lathering into a cocked hat. i want the lather to soften my bristles, not merely be painted on !
the difference is intolerable to me and ,with the same blade and razor, is the difference between a smart shave and a grated face. seriously, the difference is that stark for me. if you are making your lather in a bowl then putting it on your face, is it not akin to just putting canned foam onto your face? i cringe when i see SOTD pics sometimes as the fancy lather on show bears no resemblance at all to what i find works. i am sure some people may take the opposite view and i wont argue-if it works for them then great! but for me it face lathering all the way, the only way!
Have you actually ever bowl lathered? It is far more than just painting lather on your face and it's possible to get the best of both worlds in terms of creating a lather that's the right consistency in the bowl - and also working it into your face. I find the whole debate to be pretty childish - creating a lather is a basic job that does not require a great deal of thought or skill so to claim that doing it directly on your, face , palm or in a bowl is better reminds me of the lads who you to say that their dad could beat up your dad.
What Rob, said.

However, it turns out - I have recently discovered - that a few soaps that I cannot get to adequately face lather work well in a bowl, where I can get some real mashing going (in a manner to which I would not subject my face nor a good badger).
i bowl lathered for years, still do occasionally when i feel like a change of pace. i stand by what i said though, there is a world of difference for me between bowl and face lathering. like anything,YMMV!
i bowl lathered for years, still do occasionally when i feel like a change of pace. i stand by what i said though, there is a world of difference for me between bowl and face lathering. like anything,YMMV!
Dave, I completely agree that it's a YMMV thing - however you started your post with the words - 'face lathering knocks bowl lathering into a cocked hat' - that why I responded.

As I never get tired of saying - our opinions are based on a sample of 1.
should have added 'for me' =) i needed to try and get across how much i notice the difference though. took quite a while to wean myself away from what i was used to, but when i did it was a bit of a revelation.
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