Feather artist ss kamisori

Thursday June 26, 2014
Managed to get one of these very cheap off the bay, and am into my 3rd shave. I am using the feather pro guard blades. First shave wasnt good, i have tried straights in the past but cannot get on with holding the scales, this straight handle is a lot easier for me.

Second shave not a lot better, but the 3rd shave tonight it started coming together. Couple of nicks but great 2 pass shave and not far off bbs.

I have sone feather super blades without the guards, but will give myself time to master a shave without any nicks. I am going to use this for a month at least, when i hope to have mastered this lovely razor.

Anyone else using one of these?
I think some of my best and longest lasting shaves is from the use of my Club SS. I've had a little lightbulb moment with direction of passes and now have it to a T.
I've just gone back to mine, had 2 dreadful shaves and decided to sell it. BUT, gave it a final try and changed the angle I was going in at and it was much better. I used too shallow angle which caused cuts and irritation.
I've been using a Kai folding for about two months. And it does get better how to hold it and angle etc. I went from a Parker shavette to this and the difference was unbelievable. I've had the pro and super pro blades the super pro really do take some concentration and are very unforgiving. Very easy to take a few layers of skin off or cause irritation. But with the pro blades I'm getting the best irritation free shaves I've every had.
I have a feather ac and I was going great guns until I got distracted one day and put a rather large cut in my neck! Blood everywhere.

I haven't used it since as it doesn't look professional at work to have large cuts on your neck, but I really should give it another go soon .... Get back on the bike and all that!
I had the straight handled Feather AC and one of those cheaper CJB Kamisori razors. Enjoyed, but not something I really wanted to get into ... for me, a simple finger thumb grip with little finger just to stabilise did well, following curves rolling the neck between finger and thumb.
I thought these were like £150? I feel like i have paid too much, thought i bagged a bargain, then saw this:

Just had another look and they are from Japan . So import duties will push it up a bit. Theres one from the UK at £150 odd, so maybe i did get a bargain after all :)
I managed to get mine from here for £60...and my folding one for the same price off eBay.

Think out of the 2, I get a better shave from the non folding.
I had a shave tonight, and dont think i will be shaving again for a very long time, feels like i just had a shave with barbed wire, my face is nearly completely white with styptic, and the pain.

The previous 3 shaves were quite good despite a few nicks, but tonight i dont know what went wrong, this is the reason i gave up with straights. I know you shouldnt let a very bad shave put you off, and i am determined to carry on.

The pro guard blade semed to struggle a bit on the thicker stubble area, but i only had 2 days growth. Should the pro guard be able to deal with this, or should i just go for the pro super?

Can someone confirm the angle you use these is about 30 degrees? I saw someone on a shave video using a 90 degree angle. Wheres that extra strong menthol when you need it, oh the pain :(
A higher angle means more pulling than cutting, a spine width or 2 max should be about right distance when shaving.

I didn't find the Proguards particularly sharp, then again I blunted a Professional in 4 shaves. Must have been bad blades as subsequent blades have been better?
Thanks for the advice, i will make sure i keep an eye on the angle. Might try another pro guard blade, as you say, the first one might be a dud.
The blade should be sharp enough.
I just used a Feather Light (4) in my Feather on 4 days growth.

The first pass was a bit tuggy but the other 2 were fine.

Angle was about 30 degrees.
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