
co durham
Well after a couple of poor shave's useing a Personna red,american red wrapper,
in 1958 TV Special,i took the plunge with a Feather last night,result,very poor,did not feel sharp at all,still had to do 3 pass's,and touch up,so a bit tender this morn,
may have to try em in my SS Adj,or maybe i need a more agressive razor,have to run them in my 34c or 38c,had a couple of weeper's mainly from too much pressure trying to get my awkward spot's,
look's like the birth year TV Special is just too mild for me,well back to trying more blades there has to a one for me,all the fun,which blade/razor will be best,not enough shave's in a day is there,especially with this dam rad
well of for a coffee,
iancxx said:
Well after a couple of poor shave's useing a Personna red,american red wrapper,
in 1958 TV Special,i took the plunge with a Feather last night,result,very poor,did not feel sharp at all,still had to do 3 pass's,and touch up,so a bit tender this morn,
may have to try em in my SS Adj,or maybe i need a more agressive razor,have to run them in my 34c or 38c,had a couple of weeper's mainly from too much pressure trying to get my awkward spot's,
look's like the birth year TV Special is just too mild for me,well back to trying more blades there has to a one for me,all the fun,which blade/razor will be best,not enough shave's in a day is there,especially with this dam rad
well of for a coffee,

seems your prep might be at fault, never had a dull feather

yes i have had one pull after poor prep e.g. dry lather and no hot water/towel prep.

try again straight after a hot bath/ shower also try with a really light touch.
I have limited experience with Feathers, but that is mainly because my initial experience wasn't all that. I find them rough and tuggy, even after (what I consider) pretty good preparation; certainly good enough for my usual blades.

They were sharp enough, and the end shave was fine, but they were not that comfortable while I was shaving.
I wasn't keen on Feathers either but I was using them with aggressive razors. Now I find they work like a dream on milder razors like my Aristocrat or a Fatboy.
shanky887614,i used my usual prep,at the mo i am trying 100% Pure Shea Butter,dureing the day,then before i lather with my GF Trumps i am lathering up with some other soap,to break in my bore brush,and leaving that on whilst i sort the main gear out,then hot rinse that off,plenty hot water then lather up with the Trumps,
the feather wasnt dragging,it just didnt feel sharp,or take of as much as i expected,wtg,then xtg,two way's,so the atg touch up was rough,plenty feed back noise wise from the shave,nice and light touch,i think i need to try a more agressive razor,my stubble seem's to be quite tough,may try the hot towel wraps again,
thanks for the input fella's,keep it comeing.

You are not alone in not getting along with Feathers. I can tell they are sharp, but to me they feel rough. I have tough stubble as well and think it just blunts the feather too quickly, the edge does seem to go off them alarmingly rapidly.

I prefer a longer lasting, but slightly smoother blade. For me the Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge yellows, or Red Personnas perform much better in any razor.
Lose the beard said:
You are not alone in not getting along with Feathers. I can tell they are sharp, but to me they feel rough. I have tough stubble as well and think it just blunts the feather too quickly, the edge does seem to go off them alarmingly rapidly.

I prefer a longer lasting, but slightly smoother blade. For me the Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge yellows, or Red Personnas perform much better in any razor.

your right they are a strange blade

i always get a better shave from one in a shavvete than a de. and it seems they work in some razors and not in others, there not a blade you want to impulse buy before you have tried them.

your prep seems really good so its either personal preference or it doesnt agree with your razor
They do seem to go off pretty quick,i still have 4 to try,so may run them in my other R.A.D aquisitions.
my face was'nt sore this morn,so will try em in my ss adj,set on 4 for the first pass as i think that will be on par with my Merkur 34c,though the extra weight of the 38c may well be an advantage.
all part of the fun,mind you i am liking the Shea Butter,it does seem to heal the face up very well from minor razor problem's,i very rarely need the stypic pencil,anyway,i did buy a block of alum fron nkd,still in the wrapper up to now,after a good freezing cold water splash or 4 and a splash of distilled witch hazel,pop on the Shea Butter and good to go,
well of to get me some zzzzzss
thank's for the replies '
There are no short cuts to shaving nirvana. But it really is worth the effort to find the razor/bade combination that suits our specific features and shaving technique. Enjoy the search.

Former Feather user.
Hiya Fido,
The search goes on.one part in place,and that is the brush i rec from you,it is breaking in great,lather's up anything i put her to,and feel's real good on the face,and a perfect sise for me,
well back to the decisions for today,,eeny meeny miny moe,the joy of developing R.A.D,
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