Ffff Gillette!

RE: Ffff Gilette!

Thanks Hando - I mentioned car detailing above and the message is the same. Prep. Prep. Prep.

I live in Halifax ... not a million miles away from where Mitchell's is made! I drive past every day on my way to work. I've noticed the sign, but not considered what it is they do. I was online this afternoon looking on an American website which carried Mitchell's ... and blow me down, it said "Made in Bradford". Google maps, and ... whoa! It's there. So, that's what they do.


I swung by this evening and the house has an "Entrance" sign. I was driving, but that looks like an invitation. I'll give them a ring and swing by at the weekend for some good soap to accompany my gear which should be winging its way to me now. I also have some Bluebeard's gear coming, which I understand their soap is Mitchell's under their brand.


Soap it is. I have a badger hair brush coming. Okay ... okay ... it's "Pure Badger" but OMG!!! How much for the next step up? £50 ... £100-£150 for a silver tip! I'm not against spending £100 or more on a car wax (no, seriously) and can certainly see the benefit of that kind of money on a brush. It is the last shaving brush you'll ever need to buy. I might just have to sell a wax or two to get into this new hobby.

Thanks for jumping back in, pal. Appreciated.

I've read up loads ... just need a good sleep to let it settle and have some fun when my 23C arrives.

Cheers, all!
RE: Ffff Gilette!



RE: Ffff Gilette!

pjgh said:
I hate shaving, but I hate having a beard. Something has to give.

My obsessional hobby (other than, potentially, shaving) is fencing. You don't want a beard in a hot mask full of sweat!

Back in the day, Wilkinson Sword sponsored British Fencing ...

Welcome. Yeah - it's nasty when the long stubble on ones neck catches in the high collar of your jacket, or the lame, too!

There is hope. I hated shaving when I used Mach 3 / Fusion turbo power etc. Now I find shaving a peaceful and satisfying part of my morning "me time". It'll take a while but you'll get there.

cheers, Paul
RE: Ffff Gilette!

... another fencer, I take it? York Open today: epee; foil tomorrow. I'm just starting to grow out of the last few really bad shaves, hopefully just right for when my gear arrives early next week.

... but its itchy as hell in a mask. Nuage oil on standby.
RE: Ffff Gilette!

pjgh said:
... another fencer, I take it? York Open today: epee; foil tomorrow.

Yes; but recreational only no comps. Foil for me most of the time and Sabre when I fancy mucking about. My back knee has been clicking for a while which is very off-putting (stretched ligament apparently) when 'zipping' up and down the piste so I may have to start Epee!

I remember reading somewhere (either here or The Shave Nook) that someone in Texas used an Alum block during the summer. He worked outside and sweated a lot. He said the Alum had anti-bactrial properties which stopped any pore infection. This might be applicable for you in comps. Most people here don't use Alum but most of us don't sweat within a few hours of shaving!

Are you competiting at the York Open?

RE: Ffff Gilette!

Yeah ... I've been fencing epee for maybe a year now (over at Skipton FC in North Yorkshire), so thought it time to compete. First epee competition today. I didn't come last. Foil, maybe 18 months (at Bradford FC, my home club). Competing tomorrow in foil, again, first solo foil competition - I did a Team Foil three or fours months ago. Huge fun! Tomorrow, I'm just going to find the Prima Donnas and mess with them! I should have had more fun today, but didn't really find my groove until the second poule and out after the first DE ... in which I was actually really good against a top 100 fencer. Leeds Open next month. I'll have more fun there ...

Interesting thoughts on the alum block. Thanks for the idea.

... another Paul.
RE: Ffff Gillette! [Review at 2 Months]

Good evening, Gents.

Two months in now ...

I meant to summarise after one month, but in all honesty I had little more to say than "I love this". I was still trying new gear, new blades, new techniques and just lapping it all up.

Two months in, I'm more settled with routines ... or rather products and sets that I like.

I'm still wildly experimental, but there is a theme ...

I have found two razor/blade combinations that I absolutely adore and a core of products that I will find it hard to deviate from.

Heaven, to me, is:

Merkur 23C (shimmed, as necessary) with a SuperMax Blue Diamond blade. Not the sharpest, but certainly smooth and permits a good polish after a WTG/XTG couple of passes. No irritation, just clean, smooth skin.

Muhle R41 with a Feather Hi-Stainless, a blade I hated in the Merkur 37C slant and my regular 23C. In the R41, it is at home for me; utterly silent and so smooth, I swear there is no blade in there. This razor is so easy to give the lightest of touches and the blade rewards that.

Heaven ...

Made more so by my custom PSO, 75% OO, 20% Avocado Oil, 5% Coconut Oil (for the oils), then a few drops of Olbas Oil, a few of Grapefruit EO, Ylang Ylang and Patchouli, splash of glycerine. Love it!

Soaps? NSS Olive Oil - Ice & Slice for the days I want a smack in the face and unscented Goat Milk/OO for other days. These, coupled with the OO PSO give me sheer shaving heaven. My skin is silky smooth, replenished and not even the slightest bit aggravated by the bounty of aftershaves I can enjoy.

From agony to ecstasy!

Guys - thank you. Dread and misery has become a sheer pleasure. That's just shaving. Beyond that, thank you for a great forum, great camaraderie and simply a wonderful place to hang out.

I'm raising my glass to you all ... Cheers!
Re: RE: Ffff Gillette! [Review at 2 Months]

pjgh said:
Good evening, Gents.

Two months in now ...

I meant to summarise after one month, but in all honesty I had little more to say than "I love this". I was still trying new gear, new blades, new techniques and just lapping it all up.

Two months in, I'm more settled with routines ... or rather products and sets that I like.

I'm still wildly experimental, but there is a theme ...

I have found two razor/blade combinations that I absolutely adore and a core of products that I will find it hard to deviate from.

Heaven, to me, is:

Merkur 23C (shimmed, as necessary) with a SuperMax Blue Diamond blade. Not the sharpest, but certainly smooth and permits a good polish after a WTG/XTG couple of passes. No irritation, just clean, smooth skin.

Muhle R41 with a Feather Hi-Stainless, a blade I hated in the Merkur 37C slant and my regular 23C. In the R41, it is at home for me; utterly silent and so smooth, I swear there is no blade in there. This razor is so easy to give the lightest of touches and the blade rewards that.

Heaven ...

Made more so by my custom PSO, 75% OO, 20% Avocado Oil, 5% Coconut Oil (for the oils), then a few drops of Olbas Oil, a few of Grapefruit EO, Ylang Ylang and Patchouli, splash of glycerine. Love it!

Soaps? NSS Olive Oil - Ice & Slice for the days I want a smack in the face and unscented Goat Milk/OO for other days. These, coupled with the OO PSO give me sheer shaving heaven. My skin is silky smooth, replenished and not even the slightest bit aggravated by the bounty of aftershaves I can enjoy.

From agony to ecstasy!

Guys - thank you. Dread and misery has become a sheer pleasure. That's just shaving. Beyond that, thank you for a great forum, great camaraderie and simply a wonderful place to hang out.

I'm raising my glass to you all ... Cheers!

Good to hear this.

I remember seeing your initial posts and thinking to myself "poor sod!"

It just goes to show what a little bit of care and enthusiasm to improve your situation can do. It doesn't even nee to be an expensive activity either. I'm sure a Palmolive stick, cheap brush and EJ89 with an a/s balm would give the same results as long as a good amount of care and tlc is added in there somewhere along the way. :)

I hope some newer members see your story. It's good motivation!
RE: Ffff Gillette! [Review at 2 Months]

I think you're right, pal - real shaving can be done absolutely well for minimal outlay.

I've tried a few lathers with my old Wilkinson Sword brush and I got some good lathers with Superdrug stocked creams - Ingrams and Palmolive. That kit, some kitchen olive oil and a decent £20 razor from Merkur or Edwin Jagger, a pack of 7 OCs and you're away. Bag a retro-scent aftershave and have fun ... I mean ... they're all good, not one can be sniffed at: Brut, Tabac, Jovan, Blue Stratos, Quroum ... even the laughable Old Spice. All excellent smells and very much in my weekly routine. Evening shave, posh EDT in the morning.

... but, we all know ... once something becomes this much of a pleasure, we have no qualms in spending more and more on blades, razors, brushes, soaps, creams and aftershaves :D
Re: RE: Ffff Gillette! [Review at 2 Months]

pjgh said:
I think you're right, pal - real shaving can be done absolutely well for minimal outlay.

I've tried a few lathers with my old Wilkinson Sword brush and I got some good lathers with Superdrug stocked creams - Ingrams and Palmolive. That kit, some kitchen olive oil and a decent £20 razor from Merkur or Edwin Jagger, a pack of 7 OCs and you're away. Bag a retro-scent aftershave and have fun ... I mean ... they're all good, not one can be sniffed at: Brut, Tabac, Jovan, Blue Stratos, Quroum ... even the laughable Old Spice. All excellent smells and very much in my weekly routine. Evening shave, posh EDT in the morning.

... but, we all know ... once something becomes this much of a pleasure, we have no qualms in spending more and more on blades, razors, brushes, soaps, creams and aftershaves :D

You're not wrong mate. It can get quite expensive if you let it! :)

If you haven't already it's really worth getting a bottle of vintage old spice. A hell of a lot better than the modern version. Completely different animal..
Well, it's been one year!

One year since I picked up my brand new Merkur 23C, loaded up the complimentary blade, whipped up some Bluebeard's Revenge Shaving Cream and took my first shave, slapping one some Old Spice afterwards.


That was my first proper shave after poor technique and a couple of decades of cartridges had reduced me to a fellow that absolutely hated shaving but also absolutely hated a stubbly beard.

Something had to give ...

Today, it might have been fun to do that shave again but I've moved on practically all that set of equipment - I think only the Old Spice remains, barely.

Thank you guys so much for the encouragement, banter, swaps, buys, sales and everything else in between. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself here and will continue to do so.

Over the last year I have tried most types of shaving, but have settled on SE razors for "my" shave, and so tonight I think I'll go with the following once I'm home from fencing:

Comfort Lather Catcher - GEM Stainless
Mitchell's Wool Fat & Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

Yeah! That sounds good.

'til tonight ...
You know what? I have an unopened pack of 10 with the 37C that is up at my Dad's ... when I get it back I might just risk one. For old time's sake, you understand :D

To be frank, what with that being my first shave with this kind of setup, I found it perfectly acceptable. I should give another one a go, just to see ...
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