First de razor, your thoughts please?


Gents, looking for a reasonably priced, well made first razor, I'm in the uk and except for online, very few shops seem to sell these items, I want to feel the unit in my hands and asses it's qualtys, sadly this may never happen...
So I'm looking for a decent weight, well made unit, don't mind if it has bomb bay doors, or is three piece, not looking for a slant type as they seem odd to me.
Something that will last if it's a good shave any ideas or directions would be good please, based on your personal experiences alone, as I think that's the best way to go.
Thanks all, look forward to your replys..if you have any pictures so I know what your talking about, that would be good.
Look at the Edwin Jagger EJ89 or Muhle R89 ranges.
All of them have the same head, but different handles.

Very well built and as mentioned, the only razor you will need, but probably won't be the only razor you buy.

Perfect as a first time razor.
( I started with an EJ89 Lined handle)
Progress is probably a good start
Great razor but the urge to fiddle with the settings for a newbie is too enticing. (Also I hate that plastic prosthetic looking knob). I made that mistake and eventually sold it.

I started with an Edwin Jagger 89 (I'm discounting the weishi as that was cheap and lightweight) which is on the milder side of the spectrum and a very well finished razor, however depends on your budget and beard type.
If I knew then what I know now I'd have just gone for a blackbird and sat back smugly for years....however the joy of finding my way to the better razors (for me) is all part of the hobby.
I think there may be a discount code for shavingshack or connaught for members here somewhere ?
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Thanks guys, the adjustable makes sense, as I don't need several models and can hopefully dial in a setting I feel works for me...plenty to consider the Search starts online!!
As my Grandma used to say. 'Buy cheap, buy twice' Get a decent razor because when you get into wet shaving you will want one anyway within a few weeks of starting. I would go straight for the Ikon 102 slant. A good razor and a good price too. There is nothing odd about slants. They are used exactly the same. The Ikon isn't aggressive but it really works well. That would be my starter.
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