Fresh out of the bath

Paul L

Chief GOW
Friday April 14, 2017
I mostly give my razors a quick clean after use. But, once in a while I give them a good soak in an ultrasonic bath for 15 minutes or so, followed by a light scrub with a toothbrush and soapy water, just for good measure.
Here are some that have had a good clean today.

Must be a bit scary bathing with that lot in the same tub. Does the ultrasonic clean your genitals well?

In all honesty it is something I keep thinking I need to invest in. I did use the industrial ultrasonic at work once in while, but I don't work now.
I make sure the razors aren't loaded before I jump in, Chris!!

I use an Ultrawave unit, that I've had for 20+ years (a remnant from a previous life in the tattooing trade)
Aldi/Lidl sometimes sell ultrasonic baths for around £25 or so. They seem to get good reviews.
They've come up a treat. I think my ball end would benefit from a spell in one of these. Quiet in the cheap seats please! Tbh I clicked on this thread with some trepidation and was relieved to see 5 shiny razors!

As I don't have an US bath I just go with a toothbrush and hand soap or antibac liquid soap like Carex after each blade change, and every so often a few mins in barbicide. OK so that's maybe unnecessary as all my razors get barbicided before first use and nobody else touches them thereafter but I don't think it does any harm to repeat every so often. It's impressive how much cleaner the US bath gets them though.
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