Gillette Stainless

Gillette Stainless.jpg

These appear to be the forgotten blade of the Gillette Range. The Greens, Yellows and Blacks of the O'Clock range are well known, the GSB's get a lot of love, but these are not that high profile (unless I am missing something).

I picked up 25 blades in a combination pack of Russian blades from Gemstone. Originally, there were 25 Astra SPs in there, but I have tried my best to love Astra SPs on a number of occasions, but have now official thrown my toys out of the pram and would rather impale myself on a blunt stake than shave with them. So, I asked if I could swap the 25 Astras in the pack out for the Gillette Stainless, which they did, and there was no variation on price, so reasonably priced. You will get 100 of them for about £13 inc postage if you have a look around on the bay.

I fired these up with:

Merkur 37c
Haslinger one day, TOBS sandalwood the next
Omega 48
Cold water shave (because (that's) how the real men do it).


Sharp? - Yes. Not as sharp for mine as the Yellow 7OC, but not far off. 3 passes left me with a very smooth shave, with just a little extra work required around those chin and mouth areas of mine that are harder to do.

Smooth – Yes, I find these a good smooth shave. Very few nicks etc, and no problems with irritation.

Endurance - I tend to throw the blades after two uses, on the basis that I do not understand the desire for a medal to be awarded for squeezing six weeks out of a blade that costs 12p. So, I can't comment on durability.

The Vibe – I like these blades. I see a lot of similarities around the other Russian Gillettes. They are easy to get on good terms with, and have a good balance of sharp/smooth. I would see them as an excellent choice for people who want a sharp blade, but not ridiculously sharp, but keeping smoothness. It is a blade that would take you from beginner to experienced DE shaver with ease; you may decide to never move on from its capabilities.

I am settling into a Russian blade future, where pretty much anything from that country seems to agree with me. This blade is well worth a crack, and it will make you feel a bit hip on the basis that not that many people seem to buy it.
Thanks for the info. I have a pack of these to try from when I went through the initial phase of buying loads of different blades for the sake of it. Like you, not heard much about them, so not tried them yet.

The yellows are my favourite so far, but wasn't that impressed with silver blue, though I've only tried one.

Currently working my way through a pack of Sputnik, these seem to be very good too and up there with yellows and Polsilver.
These appear to be the forgotten blade of the Gillette Range.

I don't understand why either. These and Gillette Platinum. I love them both. Even if the 7 O'Clock are sharper, I never got comfortable shaves with those. But with Platinum or Stainless, I always get smooth shaves. They seem perfectly balanced in terms of sharpness/smoothness for me.

I find durability better than most other blades. I usually use my blades until I feel that they don't cut too well. I got out from the "3 uses" cycle, and I don't care anymore. I let my face to decide. I am probably getting around 10 shaves with Stainless blades, about the same with Polsilver SI. I found out that blades that are very sharp don't last as long, like 7 O'Clock or Feathers, but those middle of the road ones, do.
I have had some for a year or two, 50 from Israel. I however think they seem a tad sharper than the 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge. Of course, that is a YMMV matter. I have never used a bad Gillette blade out of Russia for that matter.
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