Good Morning all

Good morning everyone...I've been a bit of a lurker here for some time and to my shame I actually forgot I had signed up to the forum, but on rediscovering the forum recently I'm going to make a concerted effort to join in

Currently using 2 Merkur Future razors plus a variety of blades.

I seem to get the best shaves from the Merkurs which I'm unable to equal with other razors despite having tried a number of of DE razors.

I'm liking the idea of a Feathers AS but would really like to try one before committing to paying £160 for one...

Anyway..enough about me for the moment.
Hi Kris, another Merkur fan here. Not sure I could ever justify over 100 notes on a Feather for what is, at the end of the day, a standard DE razor, but everyone's different and some get paid more than me. Vive la diference, and welcome to TSR.
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