Hairs shedding at alarming rate?

Hitchin, Herts
Got a Rooney large style 1 (in best) about a month ago. I'm concerned at the amount of hair shedding that's going on just now... well over 12-15 hairs every time in the last week or two, but even worse today with over 25 falling out in the one shave.

It's been used maybe 20 times so far and it started out losing the usual 2 or 3 hairs per shave, I assumed this would settle as with other brushes. It's been steadily getting worse though, with this morning being the record. They just seemed to be falling out as I lathered. I had loads in the bowl, stuck on my face, in the sink, just seemed to be badger hairs everywhere.

It's not been treated harshly, it's only been gently bowl lathered with soft creams (no face lathering or hard soaps so far) and the post shave routine has been careful as usual, it gets:
Washed thoroughly in warm clean water until no soap residue comes out.
Squeezed to remove excess water.
Flicked a couple of times.
Gently towel stropped.
Left stood to dry for 24 hours.

Is it time to return this brush to the retailer (as I suspect), or is this not unheard of? Should I maybe persevere for another week or two and see what happens?
Sounds like its time to go back. Its been treated well, but sometimes you get a duff one. I had a milk churn that was shedding like that. I must say Simpsons were very good, and a new one was sent by return mail. Unfortunately Rooney aren't one of them companies you can deal with direct.
Seems like its a shedder Canuck, I'd contact where you got it from.

Funny you post this, I've got a shedder at the moment but it's a light shedder of around 7 - 15 hairs per shave and it's probably got around 100 shaves under its belt too.
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