Haryali HL-70 Stainless Steel Handle Three Piece Razor

Some of you may have read that I bought this razor off ebay a week or so ago for £15 including delivery. The price now is £20 plus £3 delivery (UK).

Nice weight and balance to this razor. Head feels medium-aggressive. Thought the Bleue Extra would give me the best chance of rating the performance. Got through the stubble on the checks no problem; some stubble remaining on the neck where I have to go against the grain but a respectable DFS. Good start but a bit early to tell. Seems to favour a shallow angle, I think, but really need to do a few more shaves to be certain.
There are some gold-coloured patches and some minor scratching to the head. The thread screws into my aluminium Tech and my New perfectly. I find the handle a little slippery towards the bottom (but not overly), but then I find the Progress and Edwin Jaggers a bit slippery too and most people seem not to.

I'll update this thread as I get more use out of it.

Excuse the phone pics but I can't get it to focus (even manually) on anything nearer than about a hundred feet away! Note also that I gave it a quick wipe after the shave but there could be the odd smear or thin film of TOBS Shaving Shop cream and hard water.





Quality control aside, worth it. I'm not sure how much it bothers me as I was really interested in the handle more than the head. The handle is fine. But I need to try more blades to be sure. One shave isn't really enough.

You can't expect it to be fantastic for that price but you can see the gold spots and judge yourself. There are the casting marks (if that's what they are?) on the baseplate but you get them to a certain extent on Ejs and Merkurs. I think at this early stage it is worth the money but will keep this thread updated as and when.
A stranger gave me head today. (Received a replacement razor head with baseplate in the post today.) I had to send a few photos of the problem to the seller but they were very quick to sort it out so I'm happy.
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