Have you found your best razor or are you still searching

I was wondering if you have found your best shave yet or will you still keep buying razors hoping to achieve a better shave? I believe I have found mine. I cannot see me getting a better shave than I am at present from my Ikon 102 slant/Voshkod combo.
Yeah I keep looking and hankering after kit like an ATT or a Wolfman but seriously I cannot see them making much difference to anything other than my wallet. Beautiful things, yeah, cannot deny that but for me I think I've found my holy grail in wet shaving.
Probably don't need to buy/try anything else now. Probably still will though :)

My perfect razor is the R41. No, wait, the Futur. Or R41. Futur ...

Blades? Haven't really found anything unusable, still trying out the huge variety that I have 'in stock'. 10 years worth I reckon I have. Oops.

Ting is, I'm now searching for the perfect shaving cream. And brush. And bowl. Probably going to be the most expensive part of my quest to be honest :rolleyes:
Again a recent discovery from me, English Flare Tip Rocket in terms of daily shaver closely followed by the #16 when a bit of heft is desirable
Q1) Have you found your best razor?
A) Yes, the Wolfman WR1...:D

Q2) Are you still searching?
A) Yes, the search continues - not necessarily in the context of pursuing an even better razor (if one exists at all!?), but rather in the almost drug-fuelled addictive desire to accumulate fine quality goods...:confused:
I'm still on my first Razor, so that's an easy question to answer.

I intebded to stick with it, and experiment with blades and work on technique until I was fully versed in the ways of DE shaving before I started throwing other razors into the mix, but I have a Gillette Old Type inbound, originally intended to be a collection item only for the time being, and I think the temptation will be too great not to stick a blade in there and give it a try.

Especially since I have noticed that the irritation I get on my neck gets better the sharper the blade I use, and the less passes I need to do.

Feel I may turn out to favour a more aggressive Razor than the DE 86/ R89 type I have at present.
I've not found my best yet, so I'm still on the quest to find it. Personally, my best shaves come from both the Gillette Fatboy and Slim with Feathers.

I have been tempted to try out a slant to see if they work better for me. As I have the crap combo of sensitive skin and wiry beard that slants are meant to be good for.
Of the razors I've tried my favourite so far is a 40ies-50ies Rocket (don't know the exact year or model, do we have a razor ID thread somewhere?). Despite brassing, a bent side plate (?) and silo doors that open unevenly it gives a smooth, effective and forgiving shave, even nicer than my Aristocrat Junior. The search goes on though, there are still razors I haven't tried and now I want a mint rocket, in its box, for under £25!
Having not tried every razor in the world I cannot say for sure what is best for me, but I have to say that I pretty much stopped looking after buying a mongoose!

I am lucky that I already had a feather AS-D2 and PILs that work great for me, but the mongoose is just an effortless BBS everytime, without putting in any effort.

I have only just really got into using the Lending pool on here, but I now think it is such a great idea as I can hopefully try new stuff to see if it can topple the 'Goose without forking out for it before hand! the only exception to this is the WOLFMAN razor.... I simply didn't put myself on the list for the lending pool one as everyone seems to love it, and I don't want to REALLY like something I cant bloody well buy!!! LOL.

Conclusion.... MONGOOSE rules!!!!
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