How long should I wait??

I have a few bits of shaving rash on my neck.

now Do I wait till its all gone before I shave, or can I shave and just do this area lightly?

When I was going for a close shave last week, I managed to get a lot of shaving rash :oops: . I found by moisturising my face a lot, the rash was gone the following morning for shave time. I did, however, shave it very gingerly but the skin was fine. I think you will have to wait and see when you come to your next shave, but bear in mind, you have actually caused some skin damage [albeit it slightly - I hope!] so you won't want to aggravate it by shaving before it's ready.

Blimey - I've just read all that and thought "what a load of old waffle!"

My message is: If it's too sore when you come to shave again, give it a miss to let the skin heal.

Depends on your skin and how much damage you've done, but for your basic mild rash I'd leave it one day (i.e. skip a day's shaving) if you can. When it looks and feels better is a good rule of thumb.
Its not too bad, just a few red patches.

I tend to only shave every 3-4 days as I have a slow growth rate. Which is good and bad, bad being I have to wait to shave! Only got into DE and I love shaving now! lol

I have 2-3 more days before I planed to shave so I will hit it with the moisturiser see how it goes.
main thing to watch for is pressure, as when you are new to it you will be tempted and muscle reflexing to shave like a gillette multi blade, and it tends to be rough on the skin/cut your skin.

JUst go light, if you want to force yourself for a while till you are used to it, try shaving by holding just the end of the handle and nothing else, just don't let your wrist be too floppy or you may cut yourself.
cozzyb said:
main thing to watch for is pressure, as when you are new to it you will be tempted and muscle reflexing to shave like a gillette multi blade, and it tends to be rough on the skin/cut your skin.

JUst go light, if you want to force yourself for a while till you are used to it, try shaving by holding just the end of the handle and nothing else, just don't let your wrist be too floppy or you may cut yourself.

Well my first pass felt perfect! but then I got a bit carried away on my second! So going easy next time and then building it up the more I get used to it lol
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