Ikon Razors Customer Service


Staff Member
Tuesday July 2, 2013
Kilmarnock, Peoples Republic of Scotland
Hi all

Having a need for an Ikon handle, I contacted Ikon in the States. I here reproduce the conversation which took place over two emails. I do not feel any compunction in publishing this as one of the parties is a commercial enterprise and the other is me!

Me: Can you advise the cost of shipping one of these handles to the UK please and how to raise the order as your shopping cart seems to be unable to calculate international shipping for this?

Ikon: Please check with our UK dealer who covers your region

Me: Can you advise UK dealer please?

Ikon: Click dealer tab on top left side of our website Thank you

Now - is it just me or do we have here a company which simply is not interested in a sale? Edit - Link DOES exist but I didn't see it. - End Edit.
Why not something like:

"Thank you for your interest in our products. I am pleased to tell you that we have a dealer in the UK whose services you may find more convenient. Please visit the website at www.dealerblahblah.co.uk. I have emailed to let them know of your interest. Best regards."

I know how I would answer for my business!

Just FYI everyone.
Aye.. it's a funny old world we live in.

Recently had a fall out with Vodafone, had a problem, contacted them, was more or less told "tough sh1t, now feck off", so I left them and went to another mobile operator.

Today I had a call from Vodafone all bubbly and excited telling me about all the great things they can do for me if I switch back to them. I said "but you treated me like sh1t 2 months ago, why would I go back?" and they swiftly hung up.

I do wonder about how many companies out there operate and what sort of value they put on customer relations.
I've had the Gore-Tex Pro Shell and the main zip fail on a £320 jacket that's under a year old this week. Berghaus didn't particularly want to know anything about it. It's fairly piss poor. On the plus side, I've had excellent customer services from Larry at Whipped Dog this week.

I don't think iKon have been shipping to the UK for quite a time - beyond a few distributors, who are regularly out of stock.
jb74 said:
Aye.. it's a funny old world we live in.

Recently had a fall out with Vodafone, had a problem, contacted them, was more or less told "tough sh1t, now feck off", so I left them and went to another mobile operator.

Today I had a call from Vodafone all bubbly and excited telling me about all the great things they can do for me if I switch back to them. I said "but you treated me like sh1t 2 months ago, why would I go back?" and they swiftly hung up.

I do wonder about how many companies out there operate and what sort of value they put on customer relations.

Vodafone can do one! Had awful service from them and will definitely be switching as soon as contract is up...
I don't see anything wrong with how they've handled your question. If there are authorised UK sellers of iKon products, then that is where they would prefer you to buy from. There may even be an agreement between iKon and the UK sellers where iKon have agreed not to sell direct to the UK buyers to give the UK sellers a fighting chance.

I work for a company that does distribution - i.e. we import the stock and supply the retailers. We are not allowed to sell direct to the public. If somebody calls, and they say "you are the UK distributors for XYZ, can I buy one from you?" the answer is no, and we tell them who their local retailer is that stocks XYZ.

IanM said:
I work for a company that does distribution - i.e. we import the stock and supply the retailers. We are not allowed to sell direct to the public. If somebody calls, and they say "you are the UK distributors for XYZ, can I buy one from you?" the answer is no, and we tell them who their local retailer is that stocks XYZ.Ian

That's exactly the point the OP is making - Ikon could not be bothered to advise who their UK distributor is.
Yes - exactly.

The tone of Ikon's replies is simply, "We can't be bothered helping you. We don't care if you buy our products or not. We don't even have time to put full stops at the end of our sentences!"

Look at my 'model' reply. Something of this nature would have achieved the same result and left me happy and with an impression that I was being helped instead of brushed off.
Appreciate what you are saying, OP, and have some sympathy. Look at it from Greg's point of view, though - how many times in a day is he asked for information that is right there on his website? More than enough to get pissed off with the askers - like being asked, "How much does this cost?" in a Pound Shop.

Does he care if you buy or not? A matter of complete indifference I should imagine, judging by both the primary and secondary markets for his wares. I see no point in criticising him for the way he chooses to behave. You are pissed off with him for the way you perceive he treated you and you will get over it. He's not even aware that you are pissed off. His products are still much sought after even at the prices he now commands. And I bet the sun is shining where he lives, or was yesterday and will tomorrow.

You just wait till you start hitting into the injustices of age. Short of blaming God, we just have to deal with our feelings.

My view is that for less than a minutes extra effort IKON could have came across more sympathetic helpful and professional. As for why should they.....simply because they are in business with a view to selling their products.

Using your logic Carl, every time a necomer asks a basic question we would advise them to do a search rather than respond with advice.

The fact that his product is popular does not excuse shoddy responses.

That's my (definitely NOT humble) opinion anyway.:icon_razz:

We can defeat most any argument or logic by taking it out of context, Rob. Stick to the point - which is dealing with our own feelings rather than blaming them on someone else's behaviour. The OP is pissed off, I can understand that. What purpose to whinge about Greg's behaviour here, though? Maybe a strongly worded letter would get it off the OP's chest?
I've seen many people discussing things here on the forum that relate to their feelings or personal predicament... from the OCD wife wanting the car fixed, hip operations, disabled parking spots, people with friends giving them ultimatums to stop talking to their ex-spouse etc.

Once people can relate to another person's feelings and/or experiences, then there is scope for discussion.
Bechet45 said:
We can defeat most any argument or logic by taking it out of context, Rob. Stick to the point - which is dealing with our own feelings rather than blaming them on someone else's behaviour. I thought the point was that the OP feelings were created by the reaction he received. The OP is pissed off, I can understand that. What purpose to whinge about Greg's behaviour here, though? Because it's a shaving forum and he was trying to buy shaving gear?

Carl, ny responses in bold.
UKRob said:
Bechet45 said:
We can defeat most any argument or logic by taking it out of context, Rob. Stick to the point - which is dealing with our own feelings rather than blaming them on someone else's behaviour. I thought the point was that the OP feelings were created by the reaction he received. The OP is pissed off, I can understand that. What purpose to whinge about Greg's behaviour here, though? Because it's a shaving forum and he was trying to buy shaving gear?

Carl, ny responses in bold.

Do you not know by now, Rob, that no-one but ourselves can create our feelings? Seems not.

I cannot follow your leap from whinging about Greg's behaviour serving a purpose because this is a shaving forum.

As a matter of record, I have had nothing but excellent service from Greg. He always mails to me in UK, goes out of his way to accommodate my requests, and is always friendly, if brief, in his responses to me. I have never asked him for information he has already placed on his website.

Shall we hand his thread back to the OP now?
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