Is There One Razor You Will Never Part With?

The Paradigm SE

Same for me, actually. I bought one new, sold it because I thought it was too mild, but then missed it. Bought another second hand, and gradually it's become the razor I use almost all of the time. It's the only one I ever use for the fool's pass.
No. I've had most of them and sold them all on. I have regretted selling a few but in the end they are just razors and another one will be along like a No9 Bus.
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It's extremely hard to choose one so I'll pick one modern and one vintage. Modern pick would be Karve Overlander although I have it for ten days only. It's so smooth and efficient. Vintage would be Gillette Rocket HD. Same as Overlander just vintage.
I don't think I'd part with any of my old Gillette de razors or my old English straights. The modern razors I'm not really fussed about, except for the Progress.
If I had to choose one of each it would probably be the New Standard and Richardson 11/16 in ivory.
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