Katana Handle

Gillette Sterling? Cheap enough ... it's a plastic handle, so the weight will be head-heavy.

My preference is for the Windrose Darwin copy. It's a slim handle and I think it suits the Katana. Available from Shavers Delight on eBay.

Any recommendations as regards a long handle for a Katana. I find the supplied ones a bit short. Not bothered about weight. Thanks.
You've got to be kidding, it's just a little shy of four freakin' inches! Do you grip it with both hands like a baseball bat???

Drill and tap one of these things, they go all the way to 12 feet.

Here's some ideas from the handles that I have ...


The Windrose Darwin is shown. My favourite.

There's a Gillette Sterling plastic handle with metal top and a Lord handle. Alas, the Lord handle doesn't nip up on the Yaqi SE. The Lord head has a much longer thread and the handle bites further down the hole. I think this is because the Lord head is also sold with a plastic open comb insert for hair thinning.

On the Sterling handle, the weight is very head heavy.


... and a couple of RazoRock handles. The Bulldog and the Radio Knob. Both are slightly narrower at the top, which is aesthetically necessary for the Yaqi SE as the hole/thread is right at the back of the razor.

On either of these handles, the weighting is towards the end of the handle making the head feel light.
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