Knock you off your feet scent?

Truffit and Hill Grafton. Didn't knock me off my feet as such, but very subtle, pleasant and different. Just happens to be a great cream as well
My "knock off the feet scent" maybe Icoloniali but my present favourite is Haslinger a great no nonsense soap with a faint but sort of homely scent of honey.
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Where the hell do you find these things? Are they soaps or creams, and what is the website?

The ones that stumped me when I joined were -

Haslinger Schafmilch
Tcheon Fung Sing
Tabula Rasa
Antiga Barbearia Bairro

I honestly thought someone was taking the piss, like a long stand, a skyhook or stripes paint! Turns out, they are all excellent soaps!
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