left handed slant users

Saturday December 10, 2011
british west hartlepool
im considering getting a new razor for myself at xmas, or just after, and fancy a slant. i was looking at a few threads on here about slants and came across a post that asked, are slants biased towards right handed users because of the way theyre slanted. no one gave a reply, and as im left handed id really like to know if they are before i buy one.
I can't think of any reason it would matter what hand you were holding the razor with, the action the razor is going across your face with would be the same no matter what hand you hold it in.
isaiah53 said:
id never even considered the question until id seen it in a post, it just pricked my curiosity. being left handed in a right handed world brings many complications :)

I'm left handed but shave with my right. I have a slant as well, I generally swap hands when shaving and haven't found it an issue,
Some say best to shave with both, Rt and Left. That way you can use your other hand to stretch the side on the side of the face your shaving. The more you stretch it the less pressure you need to use.
IMO, the point of the Slant is that the blade slices rather than chops, as slicing is a more efficient cutting stroke. Whether the slice is angled one way or the other is neither here nor there - imagine a guillotine blade angled so that the left-hand end of the blade was lower than the right as compared to another guillotine where the right-hand end of the blade was lower than the left - they'll both work equally well!
Bechet45 said:
But that, Chris, is the concern of a leftie using a right handed slant - head lopping!

You know Carl, I've been messing around with holding my Slant in my left hand , and I can't see it's any different to holding it in your right hand. I suspect that there's some confusion going on here in terms of the geometry of the Slant. I you hold it infront of you (in either hand), the blade edge slopes down from left to right, but, because of the way it's made, if you spin it through 180 degrees, the other side does the same thing. I therefore doesn't matter whether you hold it in your right hand, left hand, or between your toes - as long as you use it like a normal DE razor (which presumably isn't "handed", then it automatically generates the slicing action. I'd suggest that the OP signs-up to the Slant pass-around so that he can see for himself.
chrisbell said:
I suspect that there's some confusion going on here in terms of the geometry of the Slant.

I'd suggest that the OP signs-up to the Slant pass-around so that he can see for himself.

i originally had no confusing ideas about the slant until i saw a previous thread where someone mentioned the left handed thing, and ive never seen one in the flesh to be able to judge the geometry. as it stands i think ill buy one rather than go in for the pass around, as ive been interested in one for quite a while. thanks everyone for putting that one to bed :)
Bechet45 said:
If what you say were true, Chris, why would everyone keeping banging on about getting the angle right if you want a close shave?

Angle as in blade to face as with any DE, Carl. You could take a stroke from the sideboard to the corner of your mouth, from your cheek down to the neckline , and the effect of the Slant is the same for all. Obviously, you wouldn't slash yourself with it, but that's the case with any razor. My point is that, the the OP can use a DE razor without slashing himself to ribbons, he can use a Slant.
Chris has it bang on, it doesn't matter what hand you hold it in, the angle that you present to the face is always the same with a slant whether it's in the left or right hand, or if you flip it 180.

You'd love one of these Isaiah, I know you're sold anyway but go on, make sure! And give it a couple of shaves to settle in, I wasn't impressed after two but I changed my mind.
Thanks for backing me up, mate. I actually think the design of the Slant head makes finding the angle (in the sense of handle parallel to face or parallel to the floor) easier than the 34c head somehow. For me, it's an instinctive razor.
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