left handed slant users

chrisbell said:
IMO, the point of the Slant is that the blade slices rather than chops, as slicing is a more efficient cutting stroke. Whether the slice is angled one way or the other is neither here nor there - imagine a guillotine blade angled so that the left-hand end of the blade was lower than the right as compared to another guillotine where the right-hand end of the blade was lower than the left - they'll both work equally well!

In view of the subsequent posts - I think Chris had the analogy slightly wrong here. It doesn't matter if the blade is sloping from left to right or vice versa - the point is whether the guillotine operator allowed the blade to fall with his right or left hand - in other words it makes no difference at all.
I love these somewhat esoteric posts, the fact that I can follow them at all reassures me that the old synapses are still firing up to some extent & that the mental processes may yet see me through for another coupla months. & they're way more interesting than crosswords.
Got to shuffle off now to see if that darn cat in the box is alive or dead again ............

JohnnyO. \:s
Bechet45 said:
And shall we now let Chris off the hook he doesn't know he's on?

Ironically, the question seemed so philosophical in nature that it caused me to temporarily forget the actual geometry of the Slant. Rob correctly pointed-out that me earlier post was complete claptrap - the fact is that the Slant is used just as any other DE razor (with the possible exception that performing a "Gillette slide" with it is riskier than with a conventional razor).
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