Letterspacing fail?

Ah well there's a subtle distinction between kerning and letterspacing (tracking) but I've already outed myself as a nerd enough for one thread!
A blast from the past! More than half a century ago, I went to work for a major London advertising agency as a "trainee". Part of the job was a stint in the Production Department, and I spent many happy hours communing with Nickeloids, Posener Walters Harris and other setting houses (and drinking a lot of beer with them). In those days it was, as per your handle, hot metal and setting in forme, with the studio guys producing type markups. "Line and tone combo" and "paper-mounted fit-up" still bring a tear to my eye.

The good thing was that we used to get electrotypes, the copper plates for colour printing and any other material back from the media when the run of those ads had finished, and the sale of that scrap metal paid for one heck of a good Christmas party.
Ah yes the good old days! Well spotted on the derivation of my handle. I chose it because of hot metal type (although I didn't enter the industry until after that) and then kept the name as it seemed appropriate for motorbike fora too. And now that's just how I'm known in cyberspace everywhere.
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