May have the bug!

BengmanUk said:
Is this normal behaviour for a DE convert??

Utterly. But it's nice to spend money on good-value products that bring pleasure instead of overpriced ones that bring you mere convenience.

Remember, a lot of the stuff we buy should also be used even by a cartridge shaver. They would get just, or almost, as much benefit from good soap, brush, alum, witch hazel, etc. as we do.
see i feel i'm an oddity here... generally my version of this hobby costs me very little. When i started i bought a merkur 1904 and some derbys and a soap puck from C&E... having moved from mach3's that lot paid for itself in a matter of months and was long since recovered.

then someone got me an edwin jagger DE87 for my birthday and it has been my go to razor for a year now (although ive added a loxley handle which i got a PIF of, so that was essentially free) in this form, the razor hasnt changed for ages. So once again, paid itself off pretty much within a month.

Ive had the same tub of TOBS jermyn cream since october that i supplement with the occasional use of a PIF'd arko stick, some ingrams cream and the original C&E nomad puck.

Generally i dont spend much and for me, this has, long term, been far better value than putting up with mach 3's aerosol cans and poor shaves.

I do occasionally like to buy the odd thing, but given i was pissing away about £12 a month on blades for a mach 3, plus what the nivea gels were costing me, the hobby probably ran me about £15 a month. I havent spent money on shaving supplies for about 6 months now. So i've already saved about £90
well... as i say.. £90 saving over 6 months... a good NF brush is only £40 odds :)

you're still in the plus even with fine products like that
Tim B said:
I did buy a lot of stuff last year, before DE shaving, and am now down to 1/3 of a tube left of the entire stash. I now DE shave, and now have 1 (I repeat: 1) tube of Edwin Jagger cream, a few free EJ samples, and around 40 razor blades. When I get to my last 5 blades I'll get some more. As I work nights I can pop into ASDA, Tesco, or Wilkinsons on the way home. On my 4 days off I'll get a (I repeat: a) tube of cream if I run out. There's a Crabtree and Evelyn shop near me so I may get a (I repeat: a) tube when my supplies get low. I also have a (I repeat: a) razor I am really happy with.

That's the approach that I'm aiming for. Currently having two creams (weekend TOBS, weekday Derby) once they're gone I'm back to Palmolive until that runs out. Then I'll probably get TOBS Almond cream and that'll be me fixed for a few months.

Like most others have said, it's saving money. Not much in life is as cheap as DE shaving.

Fido said:
Most of us are the same. It's why we are here. I'm trying to get obsessed about running again. It will do me a lot more good than creams, soaps and razors etc. Having said that, I've not spent anything on shaving gear for a while. There is hope.

I used to be obsessed with running. Did runs every other day. However, after doing the Reading Half Marathon in 2007 I was informed that my tendinitis in the calf was the result of having flat feet.

That in itself cost me more than my shaving obsession with some £70 Broke trainers (the sort that have extra stiff soles where my feet needed it) and some appointments with a physio.

Would have been great if one of the many people who were at the gym "supposedly" a fitness guru had noticed this when I was on a treadmill.

I think cycling will be my next hobby, but I'll try and get a bike from somewhere like gumtree to freecycle rather than pay buckets.

Dr Rick said:
Now you're happily spending money on long-lasting (for soaps; for ever, in the case of razors) desirable collectable crap you do want.

This week I have been unhappy to find that the handle on my (cheapish) DE razor is showing signs of corrosion. I hope it can last long enough for the wife to get me a replacement.

A couple of pictures of it are here, I think its a Ming Shui - but I could be wrong:

Does anyone make completely stainless DE razors, so no plating or internal parts made from anything else?
Well I tried the Palmolive and although the lather was great, equal even to TOBS I didn't like the fragrance. It just reminded me of cheap bubble bath tbh. I'm looking forward to trying the Proraso tomorrow as I've heard nothing but good things on it.

BengmanUk said:
Is this normal behaviour for a DE convert??

If I had more money I probably would follow suit! It's like collecting technic lego for adults :). The more you get the more excited you get - a woman's behaviour with clothes is another good example.

I think some self restraint may need to be applied here else it may spiral into an expensive hobby! Try this: stuff you don't use - sell on e-bay. And then use the e-bay money to buy other stuff. That's what I did. I made £140 on ebay selling crap and used £95 buying shaving stuff. :)
BengmanUk Wrote: Is this normal behaviour for a DE convert??

I think it can be very tempting initially but it does settle down after a few weeks.

There are plenty of reasonably priced soaps & creams out there, Proraso and Tabac are prime examples, the Tabac and Proraso soaps I bought in the first couple of weeks will last for many months.

And when I think of how much I was spending on cartridges, well it soon balances out.
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