Meet Mr. Miquel Ricou Sole, founder of Myrsol

Barcelona, Spain
Meet Mr. Miquel Ricou Sole, founder of Myrsol


Mr Miquel Ricou Sole founded Myrsol labs in the '40s, in Barcelona, Spain. He began working at home.
The brand Myrsol is an acronym of his name, but using the Y instead of I. My-R-Sol.
The famous art deco bottle of aftershave is a personal design from the early years.
Mr Miquel worked as a barber also. In search of good products in those difficult years in Spain, he began to study chemistry to learn how to produce lotions. Self-taught, and buying quality components, he was creating the lotions that still remain, and its flagship product, the famous Emulsion.

Currently Mr Miquel is 93 years old and goes every day to the labs. The family business is carried now by his grandson Carles, but Mr Miquel enjoys a enviable joviality. He shaves without soap, only with his famous Emulsion. Maybe this is his secret to a youthful and vibrant appearance? He still goes to dance! He is a true Gentleman. With a great sense of humor!





Note: These pics are not mine. They are kindly provided by some friends of the Spanish forum afeitadoclasico, but a couple weeks ago I had an interview with him. I'm pendind transcript the voice recording and translating. I took some current pictures of him and the labs.

Hope this is not seen as advertising. I'm nothing than a user of Myrsol products. No commercial relationship whith them.
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