Merkur 34C vs 38C

So, I have been using my Merkur 34c just about two weeks. Not long, but long enough to appreciate what a great shave it gives. Also long enough to begin to wonder what other razors I should try :)

I started out with the cheap wilkinson, which was great. However, after trying the 34c, I can really appreciate what a good weight to the razor can do for a shave. I quite like the heaviness of 34c...

I then noticed the 38c. Now, not only is it heavier - but it also has a longer handle (a thing which does annoy me a tiny bit about the 34c). So, I was wondering - how does the 34c and 38c compare? pros, cons and anything else worth mentioning.

Also, in case any of you were wondering - I did do the diligent thing and read the reviews :shave
The 34C-HD was my first razor, but if I knew then what I know now, I would have gone for the 38C, I only realised what a difference a slightly longer handle makes to my shave when I purchased the Feather AS-D1, as they say a little more lenght makes all the difference :shock: Still the 34C is a fantastic razor.

I use a 38c and love it :)
Much heavier than any other razor I use and if you let the weight of the razor do the work you'll enjoy a wonderful shave.
regards, beejay
Tall_Paul said:
Another satisfied 38C user here. Mind you, I've not tried the 34C to be fair but, as I have big hands, I was always going to go for a longer handle.

I have used both. I regret selling the 34C. I do like the longer handle and additional weight of the 38C but sometimes think I might prefer the 34C if I tried it again!
I've got both the 34C and 38C here. Not used the 38C yet - think I'll load it up ready for tomorrow morning. Have to confess that I sometimes find the 34C a bit harsh - although it's not so bad now that I'm getting used to it. My EJ87 is my favourite so far - but I've got loads more to try yet :D
well i never had a 34C, but what i did have was a 1904 which used the same head and had a very very small handle. I also had a 38c for a while.

I quite liked the 1904, its small handle made it hard to apply too much pressure and it was a nimble razor with a light touch. the 38c i found a little unweildy. didnt like the weight distribution on it and found it too handle heavy.

I much prefer the weight, feel and control of my Edwin Jagger Loxley
Sooo.... I loaded up my 38C with a Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow last night (I think it was a Yellow - may have been a Green - will have to check when I get home tonight as that was over 12 hours ago now :D) and took it for a test drive this morning. Have to say that I didn't find it any worse or any better than the 34C. Still left my skin feeling a bit mauled - the same as the 34C. Will persevere with it - second shave with the same blade tomorrow morning and then I'll switch to an Astra Platinum the day after and see how that fares in it.
I've got loads of Gillettes - went a bit mad and consequently have slim/super/fat boy adjustables, super speeds (normal, flair tip, red/blue/black/silver tips), aristocrats, techs and rockets (I think), but haven't got round to trying them yet as I've away for most of the last three weeks when the bulk arrived... Back home now so going to start experimenting ;)
Hax said:
I've got loads of Gillettes - went a bit mad and consequently have slim/super/fat boy adjustables, super speeds (normal, flair tip, red/blue/black/silver tips), aristocrats, techs and rockets (I think), but haven't got round to trying them yet as I've away for most of the last three weeks when the bulk arrived... Back home now so going to start experimenting ;)

Please keep us updated:icon_cheesygrin:
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