Moderator titles

Currently there isn't any way to identify who the moderators are.

Long term members obviously know but when reading through a thread such as the Norway one, a newer member may not know that there were 2 posts from mods amongst them. Clearly there may well have been PM's to person involved which we do not know about but its also helpful to know if a comment is being made by the "staff" of the site rather than just a ordinary member.
There is a way for it to be displayed but I always preferred to leave it switched off as I didn't think we needed to differentiate between Mods and non Mods. Until recently there was no need to make the distinction as there was little need for the mods to get involved with warnings and or bans. Things may have changed as we have grown larger. Any post that you feel is worthy of moderator attention can be reported to the team by clicking the report button. With regard to the Norway post, this was done by four different people, at which point I posted to tell Skin Glider to desist. I will have a look at the different options for viewing moderators.
Thats a fair point, I have used forums where there is a generic user ID called something like Admin or The Moderators which a mod can log into to issue any warnings or make statements on behalf of the forum obviously they also have editing rights for spam and such like under their own ID but for any issues the generic one or a 2nd ID for "policing" is used.

IMHO its not as important to know who is moderating but rather that specific posts are being made by a moderator. As the forum grows the number of trolls and nutters it attracts is bound to increase, and although a light touch moderation is great there will be more incidents where people need to be told to wind their neck in. I just think it is best that if such a posts is made it is clear that its on behalf of the forum rather than being just the opinion of another member.
There is a link at the bottom of the index page to view The Team and to Mark all Forums as Read
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