Never before, Never After

Bloody con artists! Conning over razors - whoda thunk! I'm very sad to hear this story, Jack - and gladdened by Jon's generous offer. We are a trusting bunch - and with good cause here in TSR - and I guess that leaves us open to being conned.

I'd like to offer a different solution to Jon's and to demonstrate that trad shaving enthusiasts are in the main a good bunch of people. Who would like to add their name and a contribution toward a new As-D2 to the list below? When we have enough, we could each PayPal our contributions to Jack. Fivers and tenners would be good.

Bechet45 £10
That is a bloody sad story. I once lent money to a friend, then never saw her again. The worst thing was that if she'd just said she couldn't pay me back, I'd have been fine about it. No need to lose a friend over money. This clearly wasn't a real friend, though, just someone out to con you & others. I know it'll have hit your trust, you need to remember that people like that are a minority.

Stick me down for a fiver as well.

Bechet45 £10
Nico1970 £10
Celtic67 £5

Total £25
I know of at least £20 being donated privately, so that bring the total to £55 - thanks to you all.

Leaves £109 to go as far as I am aware (others I don't know about may have contributed).

£109 needed.

Edit: Oops! Shipwrecked beat me to the post! £85 pledged and £79 needed.
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