New Dunkirk Movie


Will it be revisionist history or merely crap with tons of special digital effects? Time will tell, but the movie industry FUBAR's almost every historical movie.
I thought the Batman films were excellent. Being a massive geeky child and loving the Tim Burton films so much, I avoided the new Batman like the plague but eventually watched them due to pressure from the mrs. Glad I did, brilliant movies. So I'm looking forward to this one from the same feller, looks promising.
Just look out for the part were the Americans come to the rescue
Well..The American War Machine is Awesome..I Have Worked with it & Seen it..Britain had Nothing Back then & were Kicked Out of Just about Every Colony they Had in Jig Time..Britain had Nothing then & it has Nothing Now..Britain Played a Minimal Role in the 2nd World War..The Russian's took the Brunt Until 1944 Until the Yanks Arrived..o_O

American Forces are Awesome..You Don't want them Knocking at You're Door..:D

Don't want to argue with you Billy,i was making a point how Hollywood rewrites history,and to say Britain played a minimal roll in ww2 is giving our service men who fought in the war a grave injustice,well the Americans went knocking on Vietnam's door
Well..The American War Machine is Awesome..I Have Worked with it & Seen it..Britain had Nothing Back then & were Kicked Out of Just about Every Colony they Had in Jig Time..Britain had Nothing then & it has Nothing Now..Britain Played a Minimal Role in the 2nd World War..The Russian's took the Brunt Until 1944 Until the Yanks Arrived..o_O

American Forces are Awesome..You Don't want them Knocking at You're Door..:D

the only 21st century military on the planet.
Let's take a deep breath.

The British performed splendidly in the war, despite petty internecine squabbles at the general grade level. As well, so did the Americans. Regardless, remember that American food & trucks kept the Russians in the fray. Without as such I believe the Germans would have rolled them up like a rug. An army cannot fight without supplies.

All in all, it was a miracle that the war ended as it did. But for a simple twist here or there things could have gone a lot differently. Although I am an American, I openly confess that Bill Slim was the best Allied general of the war. Few people today even know his name.

The biggest lesson from the war is that despite countless grave errors the Allies eventually figured things out and by Summer 1944 the Allied forces were a huge industrial killing machine.

"The battlefield at Falaise was unquestionably one of the greatest "killing fields" of any of the war areas. Forty-eight hours after the closing of the gap I was conducted through it on foot, to encounter scenes that could be described only by Dante. It was literally possible to walk for hundreds of yards at a time, stepping on nothing but dead and decaying flesh."

Looking forward to this and it'll probably entail a rare trip to the cinema once the initial crowds have died down a bit - Looks like the kind of film that benefits from a big screen and thunderous sound. Regardless of whether you like the directors previous work in terms of story or pace you can't fault his eye for visuals.
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