Newbie from West Midlands

Lose the beard said:
Hi, welcome. You'll find me lurking in the beer threads mainly, I have a 10 gallon brewery in the garage :)

You do realise you can't be a homebrewer and have a name like lose the beard right? Beards are practically part of the uniform!

UKRob said:
Beer and shaving are not mutually exclusive - I could bore you on both subjects. I'm just not as witty as El Martino.

Add in long conversations about food and I'll feel right at home

dodgy said:
That is most of these guys exactly!!!

At least I know what to expect then
lizziebach said:
I assume you found the right brush for your husband - he will start to wonder why you are spending so much time on a shaving forum.

Whatever you say will not sound like the truth to him.

Regards, Rob

I did find the right brush for him, but I think I am hooked

Rob is right. Eventually you will run out of excuses about you spending an unnatural amount of time here. We have seen it all to many times before.

Not saying you should stop, but just letting you know what's gonna happen later. That was kind of Rob to bring this subject up early.
Is Martin feeling lonely in a British forum? Or is it his time of the month.....(Rag week) he gets like this,nobody knows why, personally I think it's his aftershave drinking habit.....

Believe it or not Martin,some English people actually believe that they are yanks, simultaneously making a complete twat out of them selves in the process, so much so that they start transforming them selves into yanks!

That takes some time to get the fat content up to blubber wobble status however. Some of them start to dress like you lot from the 50s, and then start driving over sized cars, I've seen these odd creatures with my own eyes!! eyes, man!!! eyes!!! Don't believe me??? Scope it out
John said:
Is Martin feeling lonely in a British forum? Or is it his time of the month

Now John, don't go scaring the pretty lady away like you did the others (is this #5?). I did not see any of your sensitive side in that post. That's what I like to read..........

I looked at some of that video and I swear I drove some of those cars. Seriously, I started driving in 1965 and there were still lots of big old cars around from 10 years before. Earliest memory of my dad getting a new car was a 1958 Oldsmobile.

Now back in the late 50s early 60s everything was an option. That included power steering and brakes and windows, and of course air conditioning was an extra. So there were these Cadillac boats that sometimes wouldn't have power steering. I drove one of those and parking was nuts trying to turn the wheel.

Type at you later buddy
dodgy said:
John said:
Is Martin feeling lonely in a British forum? Or is it his time of the month

Now John, don't go scaring the pretty lady away like you did the others (is this #5?). I did not see any of your sensitive side in that post. That's what I like to read..........

I looked at some of that video and I swear I drove some of those cars. Seriously, I started driving in 1965 and there were still lots of big old cars around from 10 years before. Earliest memory of my dad getting a new car was a 1958 Oldsmobile.

Now back in the late 50s early 60s everything was an option. That included power steering and brakes and windows, and of course air conditioning was an extra. So there were these Cadillac boats that sometimes wouldn't have power steering. I drove one of those and parking was nuts trying to turn the wheel.

Type at you later buddy

I know, Pretty lady...... has probably run off :icon_cry2: ( I think thats No7 now :blush:)
Nice to see they've provoked some memories for you martin, Those cars are big old beasts all right I can't even begin to wonder what wrestling match awaits trying to park without power steering :icon_mad:

I bet the sale's person rubbed his hands in glee back in the day at the car dealership,
looks like they held your hand whilst they kick you in the ball-bag......Want to survive? Well here's the extras list. I noticed that In the 1950s Gibson would sell you a Guitar for $345 but the case was an extra, I was wondering if this was common practice with the "extra's" state side, I guess it was :s
If I'm the lady in question then it would take a lot more than that to scare me off! Although I have to admit to not having a clue what you are going on about with cars, despite years of watching Top Gear it still means nothing to me
lizziebach said:
If I'm the lady in question then it would take a lot more than that to scare me off! Although I have to admit to not having a clue what you are going on about with cars, despite years of watching Top Gear it still means nothing to me

Yes you are,:icon_razz: don't be concerned martins a nut job,we just try to help him before he has to go back to the padded cell for the night, TSR helps people like him recover from brain damage (he drinks things he shouldn't if you get my drift)

PS he may return to your post in a rage but just pat him on the head and smile.
Lizzie's from the West Midlands which is close enough to the Black Country for her to understand anything.

Martin, I challenge you to translate the things that Black Country people say into a modern language - if you thought that, maybe, Glaswegian or Sligo accents were challenging, wait till you get past Oldbury.

This is an approximation of a conversation I had with one of the locals when I expressed a desire for a cup of tea - 'Yo cor av acuppa tae, it ai tae time yet'.

You think the Southern States are bad?- you aint seen nothing yet.
UKRob said:
This is an approximation of a conversation I had with one of the locals when I expressed a desire for a cup of tea - 'Yo cor av acuppa tae, it ai tae time yet'.

If you think that looks bad written down its nothing to how it sounds! Its taken me nine years to understand Black Country and I still struggle with it!
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