Active Pass Around: Fatboy

jimbofett said:
was signed for on the 02.01.15

Thanks for the info.

Well, I sent Matt an email two days ago and no response to that or the pm from earlier.

Hopefully he will show up here or send a message about what's up. Be sad to break the years long string at this late date, plus horrible karma I would guess.

See what happens,


Got a message from Matt saying he's been outta town for a few weeks, hasn't used the Fatboy so far, and isn't back yet. I don't know when the return date is, but things are ok, so when he gets back we can take it from there. Heh, I think I have that right.

That's where things are now. Other members are welcome to sign up and give her a try after rowlers.

dodgy said:
jimbofett said:
was signed for on the 02.01.15

Thanks for the info.

Well, I sent Matt an email two days ago and no response to that or the pm from earlier.

Hopefully he will show up here or send a message about what's up. Be sad to break the years long string at this late date, plus horrible karma I would guess.

See what happens,


dodgy said:

Got a message from Matt saying he's been outta town for a few weeks, hasn't used the Fatboy so far, and isn't back yet. I don't know when the return date is, but things are ok, so when he gets back we can take it from there. Heh, I think I have that right.

That's where things are now. Other members are welcome to sign up and give her a try after rowlers.



Man, I'm sorry this thread got away from me. Been a few weeks and I am guessing no word from Matt. Am I missing something here? The hell is up?
Deckchair_Blue said:
Hi Lads, totally slipped my mind once I was back in the country.

If whoever is next can PM me their details I'll get it shipped out ASAP.



Well Matt, it's possible the next guy in line might have thought you had probably died and is too sad to look at the thread again. I suppose we could wait a few weeks and see if he notices your post. Or I could send him a message telling him to send you one. Both good ideas.

Or, you could make contact with him yourself! I know, it's crazy. How bout trying that like really soon? His name is 'rowlers'.

How does that sound?


Excuse my just escaped on me.
rowlers said:
I'm here ready and willing to give the Fatboy a blast!
PM incoming....

Hi Lee,

So any luck getting that razor? Been another week and I would hope Matt sent her out already.

Would you let me know what's up......thanks.

rowlers said:
Still nothing Martin. He was supposed to be sending it on, but nothing yet....

So a few days ago I sent that guy Matt a message, telling him to send the razor off with no more excuses. Nothing back from that guy. Bad feeling about him.

That's where we are now. Sheeeeesh.
This sort of thing brings the whole concept into question. I've thought about lending out my Weber PH & others, but now... not a chance.
How hard can it be to
a) post something on after a couple of weeks
b) not be part of the pass around if you don't even plan on doing a)
Spoils it for the 99% decent members. :(

Well hell, I sent that guy Matt an email and have not seen a reply. Looks like maybe he is gonna be the one to finally derail this Pass Around after a number of years.

Maybe he is on vacation again........yeah right.

Got a message from Matt telling me he's shipped the razor to Lee. Let's see what happens in a few days then.

Would be nice to have a happy ending.
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