Perma-Sharp: I'm impressed

Been looking at my odd assortment of blades and fancied trying something new in a rash - ahem - moment.

So I see the packet of Perma-Sharp ("Stainless, Supreme" no less) and think: what the hell? What the hell not?

The "Made in Gt Britain" on the blade made me think twice: this could be very good or very bad (think British cars: you want a Morgan or an Allegro?)

So I slot it into my Ranger Tech, lather up (MdC, of course) et voila! a smooth, sharp and altogether very satisfactory shave.

Now where can I get more o' these?
I thought they were a Turkish mean these?

No, a black card in the front of the dispenser that just says

STAINLESS [in white]

PERMA-SHARP [in gold]

SUPREME [in white]

then nothing on the wrapper and minimal text on the blade, just:



Made in Gt Britain

I seem to recall some blades were made in Sheffield until quite recently?
I had some of these. It was just a chance I took on ebay and they turned out to be very good. Ebay is your best bet as I have only ever found them once but I'm sure more will turn up one day.
Didn't know they made them in the UK?

The ones that you want are from Russia. The turkish ones are awful. do them and are freely available.

Turkish = white hard plastic case
Russian = cardboard case

Jamies said:
I think the Rev has managed to pick up some of these, which I bagged a while back off eBay. They are very good.


That's the babies!


Go on, send me some.

Maybe just fifty to start with.
Dug my packet out and as I said on SOTD my vintage Permasharp Supremes say made in England on the dispensers but the sealed blades inside say Brit. Pat. whatever and made in Turkey! I also noticed when I re-read Rev O's post that he said his are platinum but mine are super stainless.
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