Possibly a production run ...

Rooney, Shavemac, Thaeter, New Forest, Le Tuft, etc. can more easily afford to enhance their line(s) with such variations. Nice handles, I'm sure the material will be some good hefty-weighted resin, the knots will be of the well known quality, etc.

But this is Simpsons we're talking about.

The butterscotch ones look fine. Never had one but this colour happens to be part of the brand's heritage, so technically it should be ok. However, any further differentiation attempts lead us to instantly feel how difficult or even (dare I say) risky may such an endeavor be.

It is indeed not easy at all when you sit at the helm of such a company and rightfully want to try something new or to finally attempt differentiating the brand a bit.
N_Architect said:
Rooney, Shavemac, Thaeter, New Forest, Le Tuft, etc. can more easily afford to enhance their line(s) with such variations. Nice handles, I'm sure the material will be some good hefty-weighted resin, the knots will be of the well known quality, etc.

But this is Simpsons we're talking about.

The butterscotch ones look fine. Never had one but this colour happens to be part of the brand's heritage, so technically it should be ok. However, any further differentiation attempts lead us to instantly feel how difficult or even (dare I say) risky may such an endeavor be.

It is indeed not easy at all when you sit at the helm of such a company and rightfully want to try something new or to finally attempt differentiating the brand a bit.

Well said K, it's exactly what I was thinking but couldn't put it in the way you have, hence my post being quite brief!
Actually as Hunny inferred butterscotch isn't a part of the brands heritage either, just an accidental consequence of the materials instability.

What's the worst that can happen, some of those L.E's don't sell? It's a matter of taste isn't it and vulgarity never really sullied a brands reputation.

Mark's just testing the water so I doubt that rod is old stock, it also looks nicely CNC'ed in hand made sort of way. Crazy huh?
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