Razor #9

image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg hi gents just finished razor #9 (razor #8 is still a work in progress),This is a special razor for my sons 18th birthday so is an completely over the top custom piece,
It is 7/8" 1/4 hollow o1 Sheffield steel with filework and inlaid aquamarine gemstones(his birthstones).
The scales are 24k gold flake laminated in between two layers of acrylic (which were a complete pain in the ar*e to make and took a couple goes to get right).
Faux turquoise wedge and brass pins.
Now all I need to do is teach him how to shave with it (although I think I will start him off with a nice 5/8" razor first!!)
Cheers ed.
Wow.... Well done!!!

You think your son loves it now.....wait until he is older with children of his own, and then he will fully realise the love and effort that went into it! He is a very lucky chap!

I think you have just created a future family heirloom!
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