Razorock XXX

I know this is an older thread, but had to pop in on it.
XXX is one of my favorite scents, and I would seriously hate life if I ran out of it. For me it's that good.
I don't get the marzipan, almond, or bread in the scent.
Mine smells like soap, with a bit of greenery, and a very slight trace of powder. Someone mentioned Barbershop-y, and I'm guessing that's where that came from.
But what I like about it most is that it is nasty slick, and I can literally swirl a brush on it three or four times and have three passes in that brush. Not that I do that; I load it like I hate it and want to get rid of it. That's just my way, lol.
When I first got it and smelled it I thought, "Meh, what's all the fuss?", but after three or four shaves with it, I was hooked. There is something in the scent that takes a while to grasp, and I cannot really describe it, bit it is slammin' good.
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