Recommend Silvertip

I currently have and use a kent b2 which I really like. But would really like to get myself a nice silvertip brush. Just cannot decide which to get as there is so many to choose from. I have about £75 to spend, so if someone could recommend a good silvertip would really appreciate it.


Fantastic craftsmen all being members of this site.
Rod Neep
The Kent BK2 is I think a fairly decent silver tip, compared to that what characteristics are you looking for?

Stiffer, larger, denser, soaps, creams, mult-purpose use?
I thought the kent bk2 was not silvertip as it says pure badger on the handle, sorry I don't know much about brushes. Was looking for something more for using with soaps as I tend to use them a lot more nowadays instead of creams. Maybe a brush that is more denser and I'm not a big fan of the handle on the kents aswell so something different there.
antdad said:
The Kent BK2 is I think a fairly decent silver tip, compared to that what characteristics are you looking for?

Stiffer, larger, denser, soaps, creams, mult-purpose use?

Having owned one myself for a few months, I can confirm the OPs description of the BK2 as pure badger. It's quite a floppy brush and the hair is quite coarse.
Rod Neep will make you a custom brush with an 'Extra Silvertip knot'

I have one of these brushes with the knot set at 51mm loft. It is a fantastic soft brush, but still retaining a decent backbone. It's the best brush I own.
Mr.Draper87 said:
Is that £80 including the semi custom or is custom added extra? Would you recommend that over other silvetips in that price range?

the price is a standard price across the range, if you go on the shavemac site and click on 'custom made' you can have a play about with ideas. as regards comparing it with other silvertips, its the only silvertip ive owned so i cant really comment, other than im really happy with it.
Thanks for the help guys. Just been looking at the brushes made by Rod Neep they look amazing especially love the look of the Masur Birch brushes. Think one of these will definitely be my new brush.
Mr.Draper87 said:
Thanks for the help guys. Just been looking at the brushes made by Rod Neep they look amazing especially love the look of the Masur Birch brushes. Think one of these will definitely be my new brush.

If you can wait until tomorrow I will post a pic of one I just had made.
The Masur Birch does look good.

This is my latest Neep brush, it's the 26mm Extra Silvertip set in the Kingfisher Burl.

I'm just showing this to give you an idea how these bloom out compared to a normal Best Badger brush.

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