Rockwell 6S Polishing

Anyone who’s seen my SotD photos showing my really rather shiny Rockwell 6S will realise that this is very possible indeed. I’m happy to share my exact methodology with anyone who has a Dremel and wants to give it a go or I will offer polishing services for a small fee. I was thinking £20 plus postage to and fro? Even with a Dremel it does take hours and a fair bit of material use.

I will also speak to one or two of you individually by PM to offer my own R6S as a loaned out, inspection model so you can attest to the work done.

I guess most folk here know what I’m like by now: long history of mental health issues so I’d not want to be having any more than one whole razor to do at a time. That way I don’t crash and burn and end up spiralling out of control down the evil helter skelter of doom. I am honest but not that hard working….


The other great thing about having a shiny R6S is that you can pair it up with the plethora of after-market shiny stainless numbers out there. A barber pole for your R6S, sir? Ooh, suits you sir! Hey Bulldog? Ooh yesss. Here’s mine with a RazoRock thick bar handle - a modern interpretation in stainless steel of Gillette’s iconic common bar handle of NEW fame:

I must twiddle my Radio Knob on it soon.

You like shiny? I make shiny happen.
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Shiny I'm coming for you!!!
jewelry digging GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

Well done @Gairdner that's a lovely result there. Great initiative!
I for one would much prefer a shiny 6S opposed to the industrial looking regular offering.
Ok chaps. As a little update, I've purchased more polishing compounds, felt wheels and the like for the Dremel and more silicon carbide wet and dry (800 to 7000 grit in the appropriate increments). Plus, I''ve got lots of Peek in reserve and an absolutely fabulous Town Talk polishing cloth for gold. Although it's for gold, I've tested the Town Talk cloth on my vintage Gillettes and it has brought my #58 from what I thought was as good as it gets to a truly next level, mirror nickel shine. I'd never heard of Town Talk until @LeeMaz got his mother-in-law involved with a black tarnish issue on his Hone 15. Kudos, sir!
Ok chaps. As a little update, I've purchased more polishing compounds, felt wheels and the like for the Dremel and more silicon carbide wet and dry (800 to 7000 grit in the appropriate increments). Plus, I''ve got lots of Peek in reserve and an absolutely fabulous Town Talk polishing cloth for gold. Although it's for gold, I've tested the Town Talk cloth on my vintage Gillettes and it has brought my #58 from what I thought was as good as it gets to a truly next level, mirror nickel shine. I'd never heard of Town Talk until @LeeMaz got his mother-in-law involved with a black tarnish issue on his Hone 15. Kudos, sir!
How do think it would look on a ATT Windsor Copper ??
How do think it would look on a ATT Windsor Copper ??
Extremely shiny. Copper is soft and thus easier to polish. It tarnishes easily so requires maintenance. Peek will get it good and shiny then the Town Talk gold cloth will make it super shiny and add some tarnish resistance. Regular wipe downs with the impregnated (stop it, down boy!) cloth will keep the finish lovely. Copper polishing is easily done by hand without fancy kit.

Job jobbed.
I have a member’s R6S inbound for the full polishing treatment so that’s me fully booked in effect. Until that razor is back in its master’s hands and he’s 100% happy with it, I won’t accept another job. It will be up to that gentlemen should he wish to post pictures of the results.

As I said initially, this is not so much an earning opportunity for me as a sort of subsidised service for the good people of this parish. TSR (and ATG) have been good to me and putting a little back in the community pot gives me a real buzz. I get a fair bit of satisfaction watching the shine emerge too!
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