S.O.T.D. Saturday 21st May to Friday 27th May 2016

Route66 Perfect Storm soap
Doug Korn brush
Hien 650 razor
Proraso AS Balm
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
Happy Friday!
SOTD - May 27
Pre: Shower and TOBS Pre Shave Oil Sandalwood
Razor: Feather Artist Club DX
Blade: Feather Light Blades
Brush: Muhle STF
Soap: Palmolive For Men Classic cream
Post: TOBS Aftershave Gel Sandalwood

First time shave with a Feather Artist Club DX. It went pretty well, just one little nick.


Two Pass Shaving Routine..:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Japanese Atlas 1000 7/8th
Hans Baier Silver Tip
Valobra Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I just got this Shave Ready Japanese Atlas 7/8th through the Door the other Day..I had My Maiden Shave with Her Today..I heard Jamie Describing One his SRs the other day as Shaving more Like a Laser than a Razor..Well..Thats what this SR Feels Like..o_O

This is My 2nd Swedish Steel Japanese Razor & I Reckon I could Identify the Blades Blindfolded..This SR is a Quiet as a Ninja & has an Awesome Surgical Edge but ever so Smooth & Forgiving..A Feather Like Touch & it Blew Away a Couple of Days of Whiskers..I Love it to Bits..:p

I am Dolphin Smooth & refreshed..:D

SOTD 27.Mai 206

Gave up on the Stirling Sharp dressed man with the Semogue830 in the scuttle, and face leathered Speick Men Cream instead.

Feather Artist Club SS Kami with new PCB.

Oh what a difference a fresh blade makes.

I think the old one was dull after 3 shaves.

6th shave with the SS Kami, and we are getting acquainted slowly. Needs to be guided by touch and feel rather than sight.

2 passes, and some touch ups with a Slim Adjustable (on 9, still too mild:).

Prince Sport Aftershave (was supposed to complememt the Soap...).

Ok shave, no mentionable nicks.

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Arko stick and cheapo Wilkinson Sword boar brush
PAA DOC with Astra Superior Platinum (1)
Alum , E45 & ck obsession to finish

Until now I haven't had a new blade in my new DOC. Today was the day. Parts of my face are smooth but for some reason I can get my cheeks smooth. Those should be the easiest bits, right?

More practice required I reckon. Still chuffed with the razor despite that. It is as safe as houses.
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