S.O.T.D. Saturday 30th April 2016 to Friday 6th May 2016

West Norfolk. UK

Saturday 30th April 2016
Prep: Shower
Razor: Henckels Friodur 5/8ths Stainless
Brush: RazorRock Plissoft
Soap: Simpsons Luxury
Aftershave: Astral Cream (soft)
EDT: Tom Ford Extreme


Palmolive shave stick face lather
Omega boar brush
Merkur 38C with a new Gillette seven o'clock yellow
E45 and ck Man to finish

I'm in Bristol for Huddersfield Town's last away game of the season. Dunno whether it is the water or returning to the seven o'clock blade but what a smooth shave, smashing BBS. Great shave to start what'll hopefully be a great day.

Have a great day everyone.

Aromabar Lavender Shaving oil
Ikon Shavecraft 102 on Trident 'Albion' Ti handle
Rapira Swede (1)
Wickham Super Smooth English Lavender
Vulfix medium Synthetic brush
Speick ASB

Handle felt better today with this combo. Initially felt *very* mild and struggled to get the angle but 2nd pass onwards felt good. The last little bit of English Lavender Super Smooth in the tub is lasting ages! Great value but I want to finish and move onto another flavour. The problem is it's just *too* good. When I change the combination of razor head handle and blade and I'm not sure how it will go it's just too tempting to fall back to the 'security' of Super Smooth. So many others waiting to be used. You can probably tell by the lid in the photo it's taken me a while to get this far with the Wickhams as it is (I have previously worked through an old style tub of Southsea Spray and I've still got one more old style tub to go, and lots of new style ones too!)
P&B Citra Royale
RazorRock Barber Plissoft
Weber PH on custom Bulldog
Gillette "Swede" [1]
La Toja AS


Hmm - I've been reluctant to "splash out" on another "artisan" soap as I am generally underwhelmed. And Yeah, you guessed it, P&B has left me underwhelmed too. Yeah its a nice soap, the scent is pleasant, but it has the same undertones that OSP soap has (and is the reason I sold these on) I'm guessing it one of the ingredients that the scent doesn't "hide." Lots of lather that is nice and slick, not as slick as Sterling or MWF, or Derby for that matter. Nice post shave feel too, but again no better than other cheaper soaps. It is MUCH more expensive that other soaps that for me perform better and for this reason I doubt it has a place in my stash.
Shame, as I had HIGH hopes for this soap...
P&B Citra Royale
RazorRock Barber Plissoft
Weber PH on custom Bulldog
Gillette "Swede" [1]
La Toja AS


Hmm - I've been reluctant to "splash out" on another "artisan" soap as I am generally underwhelmed. And Yeah, you guessed it, P&B has left me underwhelmed too. Yeah its a nice soap, the scent is pleasant, but it has the same undertones that OSP soap has (and is the reason I sold these on) I'm guessing it one of the ingredients that the scent doesn't "hide." Lots of lather that is nice and slick, not as slick as Sterling or MWF, or Derby for that matter. Nice post shave feel too, but again no better than other cheaper soaps. It is MUCH more expensive that other soaps that for me perform better and for this reason I doubt it has a place in my stash.
Shame, as I had HIGH hopes for this soap...
Nice looking handle that one Rowlers.
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