S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th July to Friday 15th July 2016

Thu. 7/14/16

Today was my first shave with the Schick Fashion Razor and after three passes I am dolphin smooth but not with ease. I loaded this razor with a Twin blade and given the unorthodox shape of it I found it easy to figure out how to grip it whilst shaving. The problem for me is the inefficiency I encountered with this razor particularly XTG for my tough whiskers. The sheer amount of strokes required to mow down my growth even with a Twin blade made this shave feel too much like work rather than pleasure for me. Back to my trusty PAL Injecto-Matic tomorrow. Have a great day folks. :D
Jenes Sándor custom
Wash - Meissner Tremonia Puristic
Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Prep
Razor – iKon B1 Deluxe
Blade – Gillette Silver Blue
Brush - 'Jade' (Rooney Heritage 2XL Jade)
Soap – OSP Bay Rum
Post - Witch Hazel

Well, after 3 days, I was beginning to look like hobo, but the Deluxe and GSB took care of things in 2 passes with touch ups.. sorted!

Phoenix & Beau is really fantastic. An extremely smooth, extremely close shave. This old wedge helps though - my oldest SR and one of my best. Continue to be impressed with the performance of P&B.
20160714_181601.jpg Good Evening Folks...
Bowl: Steve Woodhead Ceramics
Brush: Omega 'Mixed Midget'
Soap: The Fat
Razor: Newly acquired 1912 patent Ever Ready
Blade: Gem Stainless Steel
Music: Brian Eno 'Music For Airports'

I needed soothing sounds, in case there might have been a case of blood-letting; the 1912's debut and all that. Very careful - went for 2 passes and pretty smooth. Hope everyone's well
SOTD - Juli 14
Pre: Shower and NSS Old Grey Bristle Test Coconut Milk Pre Shave Soap
Razor: ATT R2
Blade: Voskhod
Brush: Simpson Case Pure Badger
Soap: OSP Bay Rum
Post: Nivea Replenishing Post Shave Balm

Today I had my best shave. I really like my Muhle R41 and using it daily. But now that I have shaved with the ATT R2, this will be my daily go to razor. It shaves so close and efficient. I am very pleased with this razor. BBS for sure.

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