Sample Pack


I received my TSR sample pack from connaught last week, and have used my first blade from it every other day this week, and plan on having a break from shaving now until Sunday.

What's the best thing to do next? I started with the lab blue blade.

Should I use the remaining 4 before trying one of the other blades in order to really see how they are, as I believe I have a pretty good understanding having used them this week. They seem brilliant!

So, should I finish the pack, or try a different blade every week until I've tried them all, then try and decide on a favourite? What do you suggest? I fear if I do this then I'll hate a lot of blades and never use them, but then due to my frankly pathetic beard growth, if I used a whole pack before moving on, I'll still be using my sample pack at christmas. Although this may not be a bad thing, I think my current desire to bulk buy blades may take over me and I'll give up with the sampling and buy loads of the blades I like. This week has been tough in itself, having to fight the urge to buy 100 lab blues even though they're the first blades out of the pack I've used.

What do you suggest?


Walkers said:
I would try a different blade next until you tried them all, you THINK the lab blues are brilliant but what if one of the others is better!!

Very true, as sad as it may be the thought of that excites me as my shaves this past week have been the best I've ever had. Thanks.

Lose the beard said:
I'd do the same, then when you've been through them all you can start again through them and see if you still think the same about them.

Good advice, hopefully my technique will improve during this time, then blades I thought not so good may feel better a second or third time around, and good blades will be even better! Thanks for your replies.
I've bought some good blades and some rubbish ones. I refuse to throw the rubbish ones away so just use them for one shave

The better blades are privileged to a second or third shave.

I use a different brand every new blade and try not to use the same brand twice in a week.

Risking a supermax tomorrow.
Al H said:
I've bought some good blades and some rubbish ones. I refuse to throw the rubbish ones away so just use them for one shave

The better blades are privileged to a second or third shave.

I use a different brand every new blade and try not to use the same brand twice in a week.

Risking a supermax tomorrow.

Fortunately I started on a good blade, but have a feeling I will encounter some not so good ones in the coming weeks, may get them out of the way first.

What supermax ones? I only ask as I've seen a load about, and have some myself in the sample pack, super-max platinum, in a greyish box if I remember correctly. I'm far too comfy to move at the moment, lazy....

Or is it these ones?

If so, it will be interesting to know how that goes, at such a low price I may have to invest if they're any good :).

SmallBeard said:

I received my TSR sample pack from connaught last week, and have used my first blade from it every other day this week, and plan on having a break from shaving now until Sunday.

What's the best thing to do next? I started with the lab blue blade.

Should I use the remaining 4 before trying one of the other blades in order to really see how they are, as I believe I have a pretty good understanding having used them this week. They seem brilliant!

So, should I finish the pack, What do you suggest?



Hi there,

Keep using the same brand of blade for 12-15 shaves before switching to a different type. Change em every 3-4 shaves. What you wanna do is improve your technique over that amount of shaves, so that the next blade you try will feel different. This first time is the only one where you need to use just one blade for so long.

SmallBeard said:
Al H said:
I've bought some good blades and some rubbish ones. I refuse to throw the rubbish ones away so just use them for one shave

The better blades are privileged to a second or third shave.

I use a different brand every new blade and try not to use the same brand twice in a week.

Risking a supermax tomorrow.

Fortunately I started on a good blade, but have a feeling I will encounter some not so good ones in the coming weeks, may get them out of the way first.

What supermax ones? I only ask as I've seen a load about, and have some myself in the sample pack, super-max platinum, in a greyish box if I remember correctly. I'm far too comfy to move at the moment, lazy....

Or is it these ones?

If so, it will be interesting to know how that goes, at such a low price I may have to invest if they're any good :).


Yep those ones. Not the best in the world but a good price, barbers normally buy them for back of neck shave

I get a decent shave once per blade. Normally stick it in the fat boy on a 6
Well, I decided I'd carry on using the same blades, but in my other razor, which is just a cheap Weishi TTO razor I got as part of my starter kit.

It was a lovely shave, 3 passes although I feel I could have got away with 2, which was lovely and smooth too. Not quite as close as the EJ89 but that's to be expected as it is a far less aggressive razor. But, a very close shave none the less, much better than when I used cartridges, with one tiny weeper and no irritation.

Many people won't rate the Weishi, and since I got my EJ89 I've kind of written it off, but I love the TTO and with this blade it gave a decent shave. Mind you, the last blade I used in it was a derby, so I could have replaced that with any number of items, such as a rusty spoon, and got a better shave.

I'll use this for the week, then maybe go back to the EJ89 and lab blue, or possibly move onto another blade; more likely the latter :D.
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