Saturday 8th May to Friday 14th May 2021


TOBS Cedarwood cream
Mühle Rytmo Black Fibre
Face lather
Fa Tip Lo Storto
Personna Med Prep
Thayer’s Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Flöid Black

All good. Very slight blade alignment difference between the two sides of the razor; but it was possibly the blade; as I loaded a Gillette Silver Blue afterwards, to compare. No such issues. I know that Fa Tip get a bit of stick due to inaccuracies in cap pins (soldered); but they don’t affect the quality of the shave.

Fri 24th May

The Grosvenor 404mixed
Lea Classic soap
Yaqi Raster V2
Kai CT Protouch MG ( 3 )
Lea Classic A/S Lotion

A really nice Shave today as I got the Lather spot on, so easy to work with made the Shave smooth and comfortable. The Yaqi Excalibur arrived today, which I believe was an original version.Will try it tomorrow and see how it fares.


Mining Camp Shave

Prep: Barrister's Reserve Cool soap; Alt-Innsbruck Emulsion
Brush: Shavemac 3-band Silvertip Badger
Soap: Arko
Razor: Merkur Futur (2)
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium
Post: Alt-Innsbruck Emulsion

At a remote mining camp, with very hard water. I have typically struggled with getting decent lather using various soaps/creams at this site, so decided to go with the nuclear option - Arko.
It did not let me down. Whilst exhibiting some minor adverse effects from the hard water, it nevertheless provided slick and reliable lather.
Fri 14 SOTD
Soap Van Yulay Puros La Habana
Brush BOTI 26mm Fan Silvertip
Razor Fatip OC Slant
Blade Russian Astra Superior Stainless 4th
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Stirling Witchhazel BayRum + Hyaluronic + Clubman Whiskey Woods
Nice cigarish scent from the soap but lather quality was just ok. Slick enough for the task.
Shave with razor paired with the blade was good again...reasonably smooth and comfortable for 3passes without any issues for a mostly bbs finish. Aftershaves were awesome, interestingly the witch hazel bayrum scent absolutely overpowers the whiskey woods.
View attachment 69822
Nice brush handle! :p
I’ve found them smooth and sharp also initially but a little bit hit and miss as well, lacking in consistency but not quite that short lasting. I normally get two days shave out of them in a mild razor such as the Twig or the EJ Kelvin but found the Pearl Flexi struggling on day 2. The blade quality can be inconsistent and give unexpected tiny nicks which at first I put down to my initial inexperience but now I think is the blade. I’m persisting with them as I got a load free when I bought the Flexi but wouldn’t necessarily buy them again. I’ve only really used them in mild razors though and have no real aggressive ones to see if that effects how long they last.
That said they were free and do an alright job in a mild razor. However as a newbie once I bought a blade bundle/selection and a few packs of blades that work for me, I realised there were better options out there.
Cheers! Thank you for taking the time with a full and considered reply.
Friday 14th May


French Pink Clay & Charcoal Face Soap
OSP Spirits Shaving Soap
Semogue SOC Taj
Yaqi AC w/Weber Bulldog Handle
Feather Professional (6)
Brut Musk Aftershave

Continuing my run through my little collection of Brut aftershaves ...

I'm six shaves into my first AC blade in literally years, enjoying it and keeping note of how it changes through the shaves. From seethingly sharp to a couple of shaves which felt perhaps a little raw to a couple of shaves that have been lovely and smooth, tonight just felt like it was struggling - particularly over my chin, which I had to buff over a couple of times. On paper, I'd like to get seven shaves out of these blades. I know folks can take them on well into double figures, but I think I'll be on the light side and would regret pushing on.

First go with the OSP Spirits soap. Lovely scent! It reminds me of my morning coffee, which is a filthy high-robusta content espresso grind dripped over a good portion of Monin Vanilla Syrup and loads of double cream. Earthiness and vanilla, I'm getting. I like it!

Some of you might note that despite my spit and bile towards soaps that contain shea butter, I am indeed using a soap that contains that very ingredient! I am challenging formed conclusions at the moment as part of an unrelated exercise in mental wellbeing; one, while unrelated to the other does help by doing the process ... mentally. Anyway, yes, shea butter is in this soap but it is the penultimate ingredient, right before lanolin, so guess there's not a lot in there. I have used OSP soap in the past and enjoyed it.

I guess I'll know in a couple of days if I'm good with it or break out with spots like a teenager ...
Had a lovely shave with the Koraat near wedge today..something a little different today I tried out this Gillette series aftershave gel it’s one my brother was given as part of a Christmas gift in the late 90’s well over 20 years old but It still smelt just like I remember so thought I would give it a go..why not ! He also had a lynx gravity aftershave made by Faberge that’s one from the 90’s too will give that a try in a future shave..quite a rare find nowadays !
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