Sebamed aftershave balm

The Netherlands
First off all this topic start is an copy from mine blogpost article about Sebamed aftershave balm, but I wanna share it here as well, as it will reach more people this way :) I only don't know if you can get this product in the UK. But this post might contain some useful information when travelling in Germany and ofcourse I did put mine effort into translating this article in English, as I wrote the original in Dutch.


From the brand Sebamed you have probably not heard much about right? At least not when it comes to shaving products? Because I did an search online on Google and honestly couldnt find anything and only found a topic on B&B listing German aftershaves and post shave balms.

And neither do I know a lot about this brand, but because the name contains ''med'' I assume that it is a medical brand which is usually aimed at people with very sensitive skin and for those people normal care products don't work good and often cause allergic reactions.

The Packaging

The Sebamed For Men After Shave Balm comes in fairly striking white cardboard box with some terms on it like ''ph 5.5'' and ''HydroGS'' but also shows off the score in Ökotest which is ''Very good'' the highest score a product can get with this German consumer magazine.


From the 22 aftershave balms tested, eight scored very good as score.

The balm comes in a plastic bottle containing a closure membrane which should provide a optimal dosing according to the manufacturer.

Sebamed aftershave balm

Performance and scent

I have tried this aftershave balm yesterday and I was initially worried that the dosage system wouldn't work good, because I had this experience with another aftershave balm called Balea Men which uses also such dosing system and dosed to much, but lucky that's not the case here.

The membrane closure doses indeed quite optimal and doesn't dose too much or too less and is easy to spread out on the face and fast absorbed by the skin. To be honest I could say this aftershave balm just does what a aftershave balm should do.

The scent I would describe as a medical neutral scent.

Price and finally conclusion

I got this aftershave balm as a present from mine lovely girlfriend so I honestly don't know what she paid, but the score from Ökotest says € 6,99 and compared to other aftershave balms in Germany its quite expensive, but still very payable.

And to be honest this aftershave balm doesn't work so much better then the cheaper ones like Isana Men and Nivea Men and for this price I would have liked to see it in a more luxury packing, like a glass bottle.

But if you got a very sensitive skin then this aftershave balm would be worth trying and I'm happy that I got it as a present from mine girlfriend.


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