Shave of the day, Saturday 8th- Friday 14th April 2017


Brush: Vie Long 04503
Razor: Merkur 37C w/ Gillette Wilkinson Sword (1)
Soap: Extro Arzachena Shaving Cream
Post: Thayers Rose Witch Hazel & Extro Arzachena aftershave

A good shave for Good Friday, giving the Gillette Wilkinson Swords another run out, people rave about them but I have never really got on with them too well. Wasn't bad in the 37C, a little weeper under my chin but nothing major. I love the scent of both this cream and aftershave, hope to try more of their scents.

I'll try the GWS in a mild razor tomorrow, I'm thinking the Double Open Comb.
This morning's first use with a recently acquired Gem Junior !
Absolutely BBS everywhere even in my most awkward place under the chin !
All in all an exceptional buttery smooth shave !
Pre - Hot Shower
Cream - Cella Cream da Barba Almond
Brush - Muhle Sophist Silvertip Fibre
Razor - Gem Junior
Blade - Gem Stainless on 5th use
Aftershave - Chanel Allure Homme
EDT - Chanel Allure Homme

Hi Bizzyberry, what a handsome looking brush - where did you find it?
Drogisterij van der Gaag I was in the Hague last December and I paid this shop a visit. I have seen these brushes on eBay. Not seen these brushes in any UK shaving suppliers sites, maybe using might turn up some German suppliers.

This brush and my Kent BLk4 are the two best badger brushes I have, so far at least. They are both Silvertip but the Hans Baier is much firmer, it is a fantastic brush and great value for the price.

I think this is the same brush as mine:
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Afternoon gents,

This was my 10th straight shave. A mini landmark. It was absolutely shite. One of the worst SR shaves I've had! A couple of nicks, a few weepers and loads of irritation under my jawline and neck. Just useless.

There were only two redeeming factors; a new brush I've just traded with @Blademonkey and the Club Cola Wickhams which is lovely. There is one word for the brush, scrubby! The latherit made was fantastic, very quick to make it as well, but this isn't a brush for someone who wants a very soft face feel. Painting on its soft enough, swirling is a scrubby and a little scritchy at times. That said, I bloody enjoyed using it and I'm glad to have it in my rotation. The handle is top drawer as well and aesthetically the brush is a winner.

Hope you all have better shaves than I do! No more shaving for the rest of Easter now probably but hope you all enjoy the celebrations.

Afternoon gents,

This was my 10th straight shave. A mini landmark. It was absolutely shite. One of the worst SR shaves I've had! A couple of nicks, a few weepers and loads of irritation under my jawline and neck. Just useless.

There were only two redeeming factors; a new brush I've just traded with @Blademonkey and the Club Cola Wickhams which is lovely. There is one word for the brush, scrubby! The latherit made was fantastic, very quick to make it as well, but this isn't a brush for someone who wants a very soft face feel. Painting on its soft enough, swirling is a scrubby and a little scritchy at times. That said, I bloody enjoyed using it and I'm glad to have it in my rotation. The handle is top drawer as well and aesthetically the brush is a winner.

Hope you all have better shaves than I do! No more shaving for the rest of Easter now probably but hope you all enjoy the celebrations.

You've taken a great shot of the brush, it looks fab, sorry to hear about your shave though! We all get days like that , one of those things!..have a great weekend :)
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