Show off your TSR 2016 LE Shavemac brushes

Cheers guys I really do love my collection. I have sold/given away around 15 badgers and streamlined.

I think it is my curiosity that gets the better of my wallet. But the experience justifies the price in my mind.

My favourite? That's a hard one. It's true that each brush has a different face feel. Especially when shifting from 24mm - 26mm width. The last Shavemac LE (Jade anchor) is by far the closest face feel to my ideals. It has zero scritch and masses of comfortable backbone, so it as though you are having a warm bubbly face massage.

However, the new LE has the potential to top this, as soon as the scritch dies down, I'm only on my 3rd shave so maybe a couple more weeks. I already love the painting feel to the brush hairs.
My finest took 7/8 uses to fully soften and bloom.

The Paladin Chief is pure quality. It's similar to my jade anchor but again with a different face feel less 'moppy' more 'direct' when painting.

Don't dismiss the little ones the 24's, they can produce excellent lathers just a different technique. Also the M6 Manchurian badger, great on hard soaps.

Yeah you need them all :)
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Well Nishy you deserve them, a truly beautiful collection. The little special from Bernd, any better pictures? My brush has no scritch now so it really should be something special once broken in.
All my considerations in getting such a brush were with regard to face feel. Not for a minute did I consider the difference it would make to lathering, not to mention drying time, amount of water and heat retention.
Couldn't be happier I jumped over the fence instead of looking at all that luscious grass. Truly thankful to you and the rest of the guys that made this possible.
No worries, all praise to Bernd for these quality Shavemacs. The thank you brush I think you are referring to from Bernd is a DO1 3 band silvertip on the right:

In the LE pic you have a finest in the middle (barber brown and cream) and yes just the one 3 band.

In my entire collection I only have one 3 band, 1 boar and 1 Finest. The rest are all silvertip/manchurian/DO1 2 bands (11)
Yeah that's the one Nishy, that's a stunning brush, as is that red handled 2 band. Might have to try a finest, perhaps after the 2 band.
Haha finest is a very nice knot. Again not as nice as the 2 band silvertip out of the box.
Next group buy organised by myself I cannot say when, perhaps Christmas time, let's see. I have asked Bernd about a specific idea lets see what happens :)
Many to enjoy over the months.
Your pictures highlighted something for me Nishy. I don't think I'm going to be satisfied with "stock" handles, at least blank wise. This LE has spoiled me for anything else.
Yeah, when is that Nishy? Hurry up! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

I don't want to ruin the surprise but I highly suspect it's a brush made from unicorn hair, mounted in a moon rock handle!!!

Roll up, roll up!!!!

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