So, just how many blades have you amassed in the last year?

I have about 1250. I haven't bought any for a couple of weeks, despite looking, nor yet another razor. I have bought a couple of soaps and >3 colognes and a badger knot to re-knot a Vulfix 404. In control .....
rowlers said:
Shemen Zait said:
Please tell me that you can pif a couple of Astra SS and a couple of Gillete Blues, I feel the need to test those after the tagging from my Astra SP (Which I amassed about 30).

Surely you have enough PIF'd blades by now :huh:

I'm sitting on about 250. I've a long way to go lol!

Indeed, it's just these Astra's SP which I got in my initial acquisition that are so tagging, Derby's on the other hand are trouble free :huh:
The Sputniks from the PIF are the bees bolox BTW.Thanks again.
Last year? 400 odd vintage blades consisting of 200 UK Wilkinsons, 100 Spoilers and 100 Schick Plus Platinums. Might not seem a lot but they last 10 shaves/blade and as I shave generally every other day that's 20 odd years worth of blades. I used to read these threads to justify in my own mind that my blade stash is pitiful compared to others but I've gotten over that....I think....just spotted some vintage Aussie Gillettes....heard good reports about them......oh dear here we go again......

~2010 Gillette Silver Blues
~10: Gillette Green, Gillette Yellow, Feathers, Laser, some sort of Personna, plus others that I can't remember the name of.
~30: Astra Green/Blue

Ready for Blade Bazzar: Derbys, Bics, Sputnicks, Personna Lab, Gillette Silver Blue and a few others, plus a brush.
Only been DE shaving less than a year, but the obsession to try different brands out has meant I've accumulated around 800 blades across almost 50 brands - don't tell the missus!
I was tempted by the Gillette Silver Blue deal that was running a month or so ago and picked up 1,000 but have moved 100 on to a friend at work.
Other blade acquisitions in the last year include 90 Feathers, 50 Rapira, 100 Personnas Labs, 85 Voskhods and some Sputniks.
As I haven't been going long I think I may have gone ott.
100 Rapira Superior Platinum
100 Gillette Silver Blues
100 Astra Superior Platinum
100 Polsilvers
100 Personna Reds
100 Rapira Super Swedish Steel
100 Sputniks
100 Permasharp Supers

hmm may have to stop.....
49er said:
Rather a lot. But no derbys !

You can say that again!

I've bought about 500 various Russian blades in the last 2 months and, somewhere along the line, a razor purchase or two produced the customary complimentary pack of blades; one of which was 5 Derbys.

I've never tried these, so the freebies seemed a good opportunity for a test.

It was rather like shaving with a blunt bread-knife, and no tricks like palm-stropping could improve the experience.

Like you, I won't be amassing Derbys.
Wish I could find some kai at a sensible price. I remember them being as sharp as a Feather but smoother. Been a couple of years and only tried two or three so mqybe the Gillette silver blue are just as good
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