So...TSR is an online forum....

"Can I get..." instead of "Can I have..." is another one. I think this one can be traced to the air-headed US sitcom 'Friends'.
Well I have noticed the reverse here with "I will give it a go" instead of "I will give it a try". I never heard that on anything except British TV until about five or so years ago. I think it is YouTube's fault. One thing that makes me cringe a bit is when I hear a guy say to me in a slow southern US accent say "Cheers" instead of "Thanks". While I do use "cheers" in emails myself. I guess I may be a bit of a hippocrate on that one.

The world is getting smaller and bad English is passing borders a lot faster than proper English. A sign of the age I guess. Now...if a ever hear a person in an american accent say "aluminium". I will slap them.;)
"Meeting with / met with..." is another one. As in "I met with the Director on Tuesday..", instead of "I met the Director on Tuesday...".

Suspect this one might be American as well.
Aluminum is just plain lazy! Try Unobtainum to demonstrate the point. Yanks only say it because it is easier to babble.

I will give it a go has a different meaning to giving something a try. The difference is subtle so Americans may not appreciate it. To give something a go indicates a certain joie de vivre, even an almost reckless approach to something new. To give something a try is a) poor English and b) indicates a more measured approach - perhaps 'I will try it' may help you better understand.
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Why wouldn't they criticise English Big Bro Bechet ... after all, for them it is a foreign language ! We always knock what we don't understand, ( should that be what we don't get ? ).

JohnnyO. o/
I can't not say it! I love Americans criticising our English - and telling us we have cute accents. Wrong perspective, Yankers!

What would we do without them? bless their cotton socks.
I think you misunderstand me...sir. I don't mean you have poor English or we have poor english. We have our own types Or cultures if both combine cultures or phrases because of globalization. We both loose something I think. I mean I wouldn't pretend to be British and pretty much sure you wouldn't pretend to be a "yankers".

As far as accents go don't think any are funny. I am southern...sir. I have traveled around the Real Yankees up north and they say mine is cute...very upsetting.
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"Meeting with / met with..." is another one. As in "I met with the Director on Tuesday..", instead of "I met the Director on Tuesday...".

Suspect this one might be American as well.

On the other side here their is. "I went to the hospital..." Verses over there "I went to hospital..." To me the latter sounds wrong to my ear. Again the language was invent over there so you are most likely more correct.

I wonder if Spain and Mexico have this issue. I have heard the language further diffent than US/UK divide.
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I think you misunderstand me...sir. I don't mean you have poor English or we have poor english. We have our own types Or cultures if both combine cultures or phrases because of globalization. We both loose something I think. I mean I wouldn't pretend to be British and pretty much sure you wouldn't pretend to be a "yankers".

As far as accents go don't think any are funny. I am southern...sir. I have traveled around the Real Yankees up north and they say mine is cute...very upsetting.
I'm just happy I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. We speak the "Standard American Dialect" up here. It's the dialect used by professional newscasters on CNN, Fox, ABC, and NBC.
I'm just happy I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. We speak the "Standard American Dialect" up here. It's the dialect used by professional newscasters on CNN, Fox, ABC, and NBC.

Eh...I disagree a bit on that...More middle Ohio for newscasters. Their is a very similar ting to it but I can tell PNW accent over it. I use to go up there in my younger days, had a friend from down here that lived up there for a while. I loved walking the street up there, My accent would become more pronounced just because it was a great conversation starter with women. "Howdy" said just right way made them all giggly. ;) seems kind of boring to be "Standard":( .....You know I kid, right...bud.
I grew up in Oregon, then moved to southern Michigan and lived there for 10 years before moving back to Oregon.

The accents are almost the same. Midwesterners tend to be slightly more "drawly" if memory serves.

I think I'd like to live somewhere where my "accent" is thought to be sexy. It would be a nice change.
The French have the same problem with the Quebecois and the Algeroise even more so. The Quebecois have a problem with the Canadians, who have a problem with the Yanks. Do we begin to see the root cause of all problems in the world?

"On the other side here their is." What? Que?
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