SOTD Sat 12th-Fri 18th Jan


A couple of changes today, another Russian blade and time to start using some of the rarely used razors, this time an original iKon Open Comb, this is one of the first razors Greg ever made.

Prep: Hot Shower
Soap: Cella
Brush: Neep Aztec 29mm Extra Silvertip
Razor: iKon Open Comb
Blade: Lada Super Stainless
Balm: Barbershop Bay Rum

I had forgotten just how aggressive this razor is, certainly on a par with the R41, perhaps not the best choice of razor for trying a new Russian blade in. Good result though, very clean :)


Mikael said:
Result: Very, very clean indeed :D [/b]

Good morning princess,

Found a song for your shave tomorrow. This one's loved by all the wood people and is rated three stars! Keep that motor runnin Jocko


LEA stick
Semogue 2012 LE
#15 Aristocrat
Gillette 7 o'clock Green
Witch Hazel
Pinaud Clubman

Wonderful shave, effortless BBS shave. Top job by this razor, LEA soap is fantastic.
Morning sun shine!

It has got something - a beat, or maybe it's the whiskey part ... no, it's the chickens that gets to me. Yep. Man, you've got the funniest favorites, I'm not saying it's hillbilly or retarded, no Sir, I wouldn't call you that. I'm not saying this is you either, a little tipsy on some AS sipping, no Sir:
Morning shave:

Gillette Fusion ProGlide
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Taylor's Jermyn St cream
Simple Rich moisturiser
Penhaligon's Endymion

I'll shave again tonight and go for evening shaves this week. I'm stuck on a slow train with nothing to read, so I'm planning out my first DE shave since Christmas Day. I'm thinking: Gillette Slim Adjustable, Personna Lab Blue, Kent BLK8 and another go with this Jermyn Street cream.

Ended up as:

Weber Polished
Personna Lab Blue (1)
Semogue SOC boar
Witch hazel
Proraso blue balm

The best shave I've had since I last used one of my DEs. The system razors'll be put away for a while...
Sunday 01-13-13. MUSIC: Johnny Winter_LP Second Winter.



Soap from Aleppo - Simpson Chubby 1 best badger - Gillette Rocket HD 500 - Astra green #2 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Gibbs Nr.53 - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Floïd - ASL Honeybee Gardens Bay Rum.
Shave was good as usual, but check out the bowl! Made by our own Tam (GOG), a lignum vitae piece made out of an old bowling bowl with an 'ivory' acrylic stem.

Mikael said:
Morning sun shine!

It has got something - a beat, or maybe it's the whiskey part ... no, it's the chickens that gets to me. Yep. Man, you've got the funniest favorites, I'm not saying it's hillbilly

Yes, it's the finger likkin good chickens that grabs me too. We gots the same tastes in music.

Speaking of not being able to get away with the same crazy stuff when we get older. Hell, drinking aftershaves would probably kill me now. Sad eh?
Mikael said:
Morning sun shine!

It has got something - a beat, or maybe it's the whiskey part ... no, it's the chickens that gets to me. Yep. Man, you've got the funniest favorites, I'm not saying it's hillbilly or retarded, no Sir, I wouldn't call you that. I'm not saying this is you either, a little tipsy on some AS sipping, no Sir:

dodgy said:
Yes, it's the finger likkin good chickens that grabs me too. We gots the same tastes in music.

Speaking of not being able to get away with the same crazy stuff when we get older. Hell, drinking aftershaves would probably kill me now. Sad eh?

Cheers Bubba, nice video clip! Sure put a smile to my face, that's not as pretty as it once was, but many finds it interesting anyhow (mostly doctors though).
Congratulations to today's photo posters - a great selection and Helveticum's bowl is a piece of beautiful work although I'm not sure I would want to use it for fear of spoiling its beauty.
Look on the bright side, at least nothing bad has happend whilst under the know the sort of thing that turns a night time piss up into a skull fuck....a doctor once told me about a gentleman getting his cock stuck in a milk bottle when drunk or so his excuse was just walked straight in too the hospital like it.

What was his words....... That's it "I fell over and my penis went into the bottle" supriseingly no boddy was fooled by his bullshit but the female nurses were having a giggle at his small pecker.
dodgy said:
John said:
.you know the sort of thing that turns a night time piss up into a skull fuck....

Yes that's quite right John. I've used this exact same phrase many times.

LOL Quiet a usefull phrase that one, it's universal,I think the next step up from skull fuck,is a cluster fuck...if you get your self into a cluster fuck then it's time to stop what ever is causing it,and hide :s
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