SOTD : Saturday 22nd May to Friday 28th May 2021.

Thur 27th May

Muhle Silvertip-A 21mm
Hampshire Wool Fat soap
Yaqi Excalibur- RR Super Knurl handl3
Schick Proline [ 8 ]
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion

A much smoother Shave today as only One days growth to contend with. I do like the way the Razor performs with the non stock handle, extremely well balanced and manoeuvrable. Another good quality `shave without problems.

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I was reading @Roy_FR post and i was sorry you had a bad experience, although it does not seem to have put you off. Good on you.
Exact, I am not put off just more determined to master the art... What's really difficult is finding the border between letting the blade doing it's work vs the tiny amount of pressure/blade angle that keeps everything in harmony... The wrong blade angle can be compensated/forgiven if the pressure is low enough.. Not tightening the skin enough though is absolutely unforgiving, even the lightest pressure/angle error will slice cleanly into the smallest fold...

The 2nd Pass starts ATG from the neck up to the jawline again stretching the skin downwards and twisting the head, for me this takes care of the Jawline,

Ah ha, more subtleties, you pull the skin down, whereas I have been trying to pull it up.. I need to try this on my next pass...

By nature I am a brute, but this tiny sliver of sharp metal has me on my knees. :ROFLMAO:
Pre: Shower, Cold water face wash
Brush: Semogue Torga C5 Boar
Soap: Signature Soap Hibernian
Razor: Focus R28
Blade: Permasharp SE (1)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Bart's Balm Lime Balm & Lotion
Aftershave: Mäurer & Wirtz 4711 EDC

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A nice easy 2 pass shave with a little touch up for a DFS++ result.
The little Focus is a great tool and fitted with the Perma-sharp SE makes for a very efficient comfortable razor.
To my nose the Signature soap Hibernia is a very uplifting citrus scented soap and performs, well, brilliantly as do all of @BrianH 's shaving soaps.
The soap scent chose the post shave routine with the lime of the Barts and the citrusy 4711 and it just dovetailed together with the soap.

I was reading @Roy_FR post and i was sorry you had a bad experience, although it does not seem to have put you off. Good on you.

I took notice of my routine today and i basically follow my straight razor routine, A full WTG pass, mainly i stretch the skin at the side burn up and puff my face for the cheeks, on the neck area the skin is stretched downwards and i twist my head to the side to tighten it all up.
The 2nd Pass starts ATG from the neck up to the jawline again stretching the skin downwards and twisting the head, for me this takes care of the Jawline, i then do a XTG/ATG mix across the cheeks to nose and chin centre, stretching up over again, this lift the skin off the jaw line again so each time i do the jawline it is flat and your angle changes are minimal.

WTG Left hand side with LH, Righthand side with RH,
ATG RH Neck only to Jawline, Kamisori style for the LH side, traditional for the RH side.
XTG Left hand side with RH, Righthand side with LH.
Keep at it it will come and you will find your own comfortable method.

Stay safe and enjoy your day All
Thanks Tony. I’m not sure I would trust my left hand with a straight razor let alone a DE razor!
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The shave with the theme 'You TSR folk'


SOTD - Stainless Colonial General
BST - Feather Super Professional
Hardware - Yaqi Dandelion
Software - Signature Soaps Londinium
Scent of the day - Signature Soaps Londinium splash

You folk
Possessing of razors
You TSR makers
Some self made enablers
Open comb rakers
Safety bar takers

You are TSR

You folk
With a soap
You shavers of hope
You with your cream
Shavers supreme
Shavers extreme

You are TSR

You folk
With your brushes
Weepers hot flushes
Badgers and boar
A diversity of synths
The purists abhore

You are TSR

You folk
With your perfume
Dapper and groomed
Posies of roses
Lime for the noses
The citrus Nerolis

You are TSR

You folk
Are the reason, the heart
TSR stands apart
The community you create
The people I rate
And make TSR great

You are TSR

You folk
With your razors
You spirited raisers
Words of a wise monkey sayer
A standard setter
'We shave like everyone else.
We just do it better'

You TSR folk
You are TSR

Yes. A smashing shave with the Signature soap and Yaqi right at the heart of the lather engine. If the Yaqi is good enough for Brian, then it is even better for me. And damn it, I don't even make soaps.

The General never a let down and doesn't have a clue what a bad shave is. A God among us.

End results? A bloody great grin and Zen.

Empty your wallet
Empty your wallet

Have a wonderful day people and may your wallets be full. Then don't shave.

As the laws governing my SOTD's state, though shalt end with moments of beautiful Japanese ladies

Thursday AM 2021-05-27
National Joe Cool Day

Rooney Stubby 3XXL Ivory Finest (32/52)
Brooks Brothers shaving soap (vintage)
Haircut & Shave P076-SB Copper
Wilkinson London Bridge (16)
Ginger's Garden Ginger Blossom aftershave

I think something in our weather here is affecting my shaving soap lathers. I had to work harder and longer than usual today to get just a fairly good lather with the Brooks Brothers, usually a really reliable performer.
View attachment 70598
Pre: hot shower, proraso white preshave cream
Brush: yaqi 26mm mysterious space tuxedo
Soap: MdC rose sample
Blade: Kai captain Titan mild #1
Razor: iKon SE
Post: cold water rinse, Stirling glacial lemon chill.

Probably best shave ever.
Starting with soap and razor - both were generously sent over to me by Chris @Satanfriendly . Thank you so much!
Soap lathered effortlessly - took a pea sized amount, mushed it against bottom of the bowl and went at it with yaqi brush. It produced some amazing lather, well hydrated and shiny! Definitely top tier right there together with Boellis Panama and SV. Declaration grooming is creeping just one stage below them.
View attachment 70599Razor... well - I think this is going to be taking the first spot among my DE and SE razors. Nice weight to it and lovely aggressiveness - also incredibly efficient . After two passes (WTG and XTG ) I was at DFS+... albeit at cost of two small weepers on the neck (they did close before the next pass).

third pass took me all the way to BBS. Even the problematic spot on my neck was only a tiny bit away from that result - most likely with a small cleanup it would get there, but didn’t want to push it too much!
Couple more micro weepers picked up on the final pass, however was extremely happy with the result. Lovely aggressive razor.

Finished the shave off with a healthy dose of Stirling glacial lemon chill (it was that or brut) - which brought some stinging around chin area, however that’s normal for me when I get bbs or even dfs .

So happy you made some form of sense of the Ikon SE and enjoyed the MDC so much. Towards the Ikon you did exceptional to come away from your first outing with only sacrificial wounds.

The MDC is wonderful and against its price a little goes so far.
So happy you made some form of sense of the Ikon SE and enjoyed the MDC so much. Towards the Ikon you did exceptional to come away from your first outing with only sacrificial wounds.

The MDC is wonderful and against its price a little goes so far.
I really did enjoy it - today another outing with it and we shall see how it goes - whether it was extra carefulness on my side or just clicked on with it!
It really is an amazing soap. Definitely adding it to future den expansion list . Thank you!
Friday 27th May


Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
The Mighty Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap
RazoRock 400 (Orange) w/Omega 28mm Professional Boar
Yaqi AC w/KCG Handle
Feather ProGuard (4)
Puig Quorum Aftershave

Oh, my ...

There are certain products that I long to use. I have lot of gear and sometimes, the things we really like get lost in it all. Every time I use MWF I am always pleasantly reminded of just how good it is, particularly post-shave feel.

I've only been using the Ganders Goat soap for a few days, but already I am finding it indispensable and a pre-shave wash that I also long for. It's predominantly a goat milk and rapeseed soap, but the real surprise (for me) is just how good post-shave feels! You'll know I am not one for moisturising products; to me they feel greasy and leave my skin mushy and I've often said that I prefer a dry, taut feeling. I think many of these moisturising products are more full of emollients (that sit in the top layer of the skin and prevent moisture escape) whereas this soap has a fat profile very close to human sebum and my goodness, it works with your skin! Even after scraping it (twice) with a razor and splashing it with alcohol, the goodness makes it through to post-shave.

My skin feels amazing! Moisturised, yes, but in no way greasy or mushy, still taut but not tight. Replete, I think is the right word. Make that double-amazing, what with the lanolin glow from the Mitchell's ...

Good splash of Quorum (one of my favourite scents) and even that didn't shift the post-shave feel from the soaps. Just a good sting and a light residual scent.

Enjoy your long weekend, fellows! Fingers crossed for some nice weather and some garden pottering.
IMG_20210527_192826.jpgExecutive Shaving Outlaw
ŌKU Madrid
Saponificio Varesino Tundra Artica soap and aftershave balm

Great shave, as per with the Outlaw. Finished off another SV soap too. Luckily I have a backup of this one.

31 years ago today The Stone Roses played Spike Island and I was there!
Bloody hell I feel old! Well... sadly I am old. Fantastic gig, one of the best days of my life. It was all down hill from there...for me and the Roses! :D


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