SOTD : Saturday 23 July - Friday 29 July. 2022.

Todays Cold Water Shave Kit - Monday 25th July 2022

Shave Score 10.0

PreShave: Hot Shower \ PAA The Cube 2.0 "Menthol" \ Signature Soaps - Patchouli\Orange Foaming Shower Wash
PreShave: PAA The Cube 2.0 "Non-Menthol"
Soap: Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti
Brush: Yaqi 26mm - Timber Wolf
Razor: Rockwell 6C - (3)
Blade: Gillette Super Thin (2)
Post Shave ASL: Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti
Post Shave Balm: Baxters
Post Shave Cologne: Geoffry Beene, Bowling Green

No picture today sorry, loving the new Noble Otter Set, smells amazing :)

Have a great day all.

SOTD: 25/07/2022

Razor: Rockwell 6s #3
Blade: Gillette Nacet, 1st use
Brush: Yaqi Lucky Dice Tuxedo
Bowl: Simpsons Travel Bowl
Preshave: Soap Bloom Water With A Hot Flannel
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Croap
Aftershave: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Aftershave
Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of Something Dark And Gothic
Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Devine

Not at work this week, I had Covid over the Easter holidays and work have kindly given me it back so I have this week not at work.

So for this week I can really take my time with my morning shaves instead of my usual daily drivers. Some underused soaps are getting explored a bit more. Today I used Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash. I adore this soap and it's balm, I should use it a lot more. It also passes the wife sniff test as well. Favourite razor was used today with my first try of a Gillette Nacet blade. I enjoyed it And may order 100.

The word on the streets is that as it's my birthday in September I will be getting a delivery of a new shaving bowl and a few more Southern Witchcrafts soaps and balms.

SOTD: 25/07/2022

Razor: Rockwell 6s #3
Blade: Gillette Nacet, 1st use
Brush: Yaqi Lucky Dice Tuxedo
Bowl: Simpsons Travel Bowl
Preshave: Soap Bloom Water With A Hot Flannel
Soap: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Croap
Aftershave: Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash Aftershave
Additional Care: Shave Tunes Courtesy Of Something Dark And Gothic
Additional Care: Wife Sniff Test = Devine

Not at work this week, I had Covid over the Easter holidays and work have kindly given me it back so I have this week not at work.

So for this week I can really take my time with my morning shaves instead of my usual daily drivers. Some underused soaps are getting explored a bit more. Today I used Southern Witchcrafts Autumn Ash. I adore this soap and it's balm, I should use it a lot more. It also passes the wife sniff test as well. Favourite razor was used today with my first try of a Gillette Nacet blade. I enjoyed it And may order 100.

The word on the streets is that as it's my birthday in September I will be getting a delivery of a new shaving bowl and a few more Southern Witchcrafts soaps and balms.

View attachment 91084
You may, if you've been a good boy this year! :)

25 July

Signature Soaps Leodis
Simpson Duke 3
Feather AS-D1
Feather Hi-Stainless
Signature Soaps Leodis splash

A top shave this morning, close and so comfortable. This was a shave loaded with high quality products and the results proved it. The Feather AS-D1 razor has since been superseded, but this one is capable of a superb mild and efficient shave.
A welcome to the week and a shave themed, 'Ame-no-Habakiri'


Ame-no-Habakiri - DC Shaves (or something like it) something or other
Harpe - Feather Professional
Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi - Razorock 400
Asi - Arran Aromatics Machrie soap
Durendel - Machrie balm
'Did you just say Otoboke Beaver?'

So here we have it. Ame-no-Habakiri, the sword of the storm God. Por que? It appears to be some kind of even cheaper copy of the Yaqi Excalibur, which isn't too bad a razor. This one is. Bad that is. In fact utter shite.

Nice titanium handle though which is a far superior product. Well at least it is shiny.

And indeed it did bring a storm to my shaving time. It came along and pissed it down all over my sink party. As rough as my arse and as crude as my good self after a few pints. To be more exacting and more down the road of my best behaviour, a fucking crap shave.

Shame really as the soap (A rare Emporium purchase) was first class and as much as Boycie doesn't like the scent (a man of little good taste) I love it. The balm being a wonderful match. And well needed in this case.

All in all a garbage shave and just can't wait to get the Hawk back in to action in the morning. Beverley races tomorrow and looking dapper is compulsory.


So some Japanese storm bringing ladies and over to TsuShiMaMiRe to piss on your days

Mon 25th July

Cyril Salter. MS. ED2band
L’ Occitane Cade Cream
Hiram Commander 2dot plate
Schick Proline ( 4 )
Puig Quorum A/S Lotion

I really get on with this rather hefty Razor, which is so well balanced that the weight seems to disappear once in the hand and ready to Shave. With only one days growth to contend with, the Shave was very quick and without any problems a very close all round finish was attained, and no bits missed.

Monday AM 2022-07-25
Birthdate in 1639 of Thomas Tompion ('Father of English Clockmaking')

Rooney Polo 1 Faux Ivory Finest (24/54)
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet shaving cream
Carbon Mokume-gane Oda
Wilkinson Light Brigade (9)
Penhaligon's Racquets Formula aftershave (vintage)

Exactly the same set-up, fresh Nacet blade this morning, great shave and I can still smell everything, Razorock Blue Barbershop is such a nice one when the weather is hot.

Much to my chagrin, the hotel network is flying, meaning I've been able to crack out full days of work since my last post. As I'm feeling chipper, will be testing tomorrow and, touch wood :unsure: will test negative in the morning. Thus allowing me to roam freely! Not as bad as I originally thought.

I may get to see if there are any shaving supplies locally!!!!
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