SOTD Saturday 5th March to Friday 11th March 2016

11th March 2016
Tabac Friday

Tabac Shower Gel Wash
Tabac Shaving Soap
Barbershop Pure Bristle
Face Lathered
Schick E & Schick (Chinese) (15)
Single Pass - WTG


Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Tabac Aftershave & EDC
Pinaud Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic​
SOTD 11/3/16

Hot Towel, Phoenix & Beau Sanskrit, Body Shop Synthetic, Mongoose B3 Satin, Kai Captain (4), Cold Towel, Old Spice.

Final shave with the Mongoose was had this morning, I'll be sad to send it back to @globalm, but I am sure he'll enjoy having it back, it's a magnificent razor. Sanskrit performed as brilliantly as normal, that is to say without flaw. Today I finished off the shave with Old Spice aftershave because it matches with the scent of Sanskrit perfectly.


Two Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Schick Adjustable Injector
NOS Personna Twin Blade x 10
Hans Baier Silver Tip Badger
Monsavon Bol Tallow Soap
Dominican Bay Rum/Thayer's Witch Hazel Mix

I had Yet Another Most "Exquisite Shave "with My Schick Adjustable Twin Blade Combo Today..Dolphin Smooth in every Darn Direction this Side of the River Clyde..The Personna Twin Blade is still very Sharp & Smooth..These are the Personna Twin version of the legendary 74s I reckon..My face is as Cool as Cucumber..:eek:

Good Gung Fu..:D

One of those shaves where everything was spot on. Really enjoyable and relaxing. Have a great weekend :)
Pre: L'Oreal Elvive Hair Conditioner
Razor: EJ DE89 3D Laser Diamond
Blade: Feather (1)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: K Shave Worx Grapelicious
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Real Shaving Co. Post Shave Soothing Balm
A/S: Superdrug Sierran Breeze IMG_2966.JPG
Today's shave

TOBS Sensitive Skin
Kent BK8
Gem G Bar
Gem Blade
Blue Stratos aftershave splash
Geo.F.Trumper Sandalwood SkinFood
Floris No89

2 Day's Beard gone down the plug hole

Prep: Quick rub down with a damp flannel
Bowl: £1 china 'nibbles' bowl
Brush: Nasty Wilkinson Sword bristle (determined to get my money's worth!)
Cream: Proraso 'white tube'
Razor: The ever faithful EJ DE89
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge yellow
Post: Cold water splash

Bit of a misfire at the start of this shave ... Didn't realise how concentrated the Proraso was, so ended up with a bowl full of really stiff, gloopy lather that the razor couldn't get through and clogged instantly. Thinned it down, all good. Faint scent of 'something' vaguely familiar but not perfumed as such. Fairly quick, and very easy, 2 and a half pass shave (just needed some ATG on my tricky areas), zero injuries as usual. The Yellow blade worked nicely, they seem to work better in milder razors. Very nearly a BBS, but noticed a few odd whiskers after I'd cleaned up, so demoted to a DFS+ :)
That wilkinson sword brush thing, I have one, but it don't get near my face, like you I get my money's worth but I use it to clean the bathroom sink with.
One of those shaves where everything was spot on. Really enjoyable and relaxing. Have a great weekend :)
Pre: L'Oreal Elvive Hair Conditioner
Razor: EJ DE89 3D Laser Diamond
Blade: Feather (1)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: K Shave Worx Grapelicious
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Real Shaving Co. Post Shave Soothing Balm
A/S: Superdrug Sierran Breeze View attachment 17215
I like the sound of the soap, is it a faithful grape soda scent @Kevy?
Friday morning:

Semogue 2012 SE
Gem Clog Pruf
Gem blade
Pinaud Clubman
Nivea Creme

I'd shaved with Noxzema canned foam yesterday and while the shave was okay, this morning's scrape was way better. Easy BBS!
friday 11/03/16: hot shower/mergress xl/feather (5)/simpson m7 gyle/harris windsor/hot&cold rinse/nivea asb/guerlain l'instant

the feather remains sharper than most but was past its best at the end of day 4… the mergress dialled up to 4.5 is sublime
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