SOTD: Saturday 8 July - Friday 14 July 2023.

Sunday 9th July

Soap • Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti
Brush • Yaqi Purple Haze Mew Brown
Razor • Razorock Hawk V3
Blade • Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink (4)
Post • Noble Otter Monoi De Tahiti Splash

It's a month to the day since I last used my Hawk V3 (I had to sift through my SOTD posts to see how many uses this blade has had)
Compared to shavettes, this razor requires almost zero concentration. I don't think I've ever cut myself with it.
OK, it's not the most exciting or good looking razor, but it does a very good job (although, I still miss the 'A' plate)

Enjoy the remainder of the weekend everyone
It's simply an awesome razor.
Beautiful brush BTW.
Prep: Shower
Bowl: Antique wooden Bowl
Brush: Lorenzi Milano
Soap: Modial Bergamotto Neroli
Razor: Wolfman WR1 0.94 Ti on WRH4
Blade: Bolzano Superinox
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Acqua di Parma
AS Balm: Acqua di Parma




Best Regards

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso preshave balm
Brush Highlander white synthetic brush.
Soap Signature Eboracum.
Razor Titanium Nodachi OC & Massume Cap.
Blade Feather.
Aftershave Balm Nivea post shave balm.
This is my last shave with the Tatara titanium pass around.
It's been a blast and I finish with the Nodachi OC, again a nice smooth shave and BS in just 2 passes plus a touch up or two.
Just like the Nodachi SB, I feel you can't go wrong with either cap as the result will be the same give or take an extra stroke.
I'm happy, the wife's happy and all is good in my world.
Have a cracking evening everyone.
SOTD: 09/07/2023

Razor: Shield Avenger
Blade: Kai Captain Mild Blue, 7th use
Brush: Shedeleven Spalted Scottish Hawthorn AP Shave Co G5C 26mm Fan
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Nanny’s Silly Soap Moroccan Sands Croap
Fragrance: Maison Alhambra Toscano Leather EdP

Another great shave from the shield and Nanny’s Silly Soap. My opinion hasn’t changed, a brilliant scent and base! I pushed the water used in my lather significantly today and it was indeed a lot softer and slightly less thick. However despite mixing it for quite a while and adding lots more water, by my third pass it had settled on to almost the same beautiful thickness as yesterday. Smell was even better than yesterday, (though that may be my cold clearing) and post shave was just as good. It just smells divine off the puck and the intensity when lathered seem to increase. A very welcome addition to my den of soaps and one that will definitely survive an upcoming cull I’m going to have! I can’t wait to try some more!
Mon 10
Soap Signature Soaps Britannia
Brush Yaqi 24mm Mojito
Razor RazoRock G37 Slant
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless 3rd
Aftershave Stirling Iced Pineapple Splash
This is an adorable soap...very slick indeed. The excellent razor & blade combo was superb to mow down a 2 days growth.
3 smooth and efficient passes for a bbs-dfs finish...
Mon 10
Soap Signature Soaps Britannia
Brush Yaqi 24mm Mojito
Razor RazoRock G37 Slant
Blade Gillette 7 O'clock Super Stainless 3rd
Aftershave Stirling Iced Pineapple Splash
This is an adorable soap...very slick indeed. The excellent razor & blade combo was superb to mow down a 2 days growth.
3 smooth and efficient passes for a bbs-dfs finish...
View attachment 108586
@chard52142 Thanks Richard. Have a great week. Best Regards Brian

Prep: Valobra Glicerlanolina Soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap: Abbate y la Mantia Blue Tobacco
Razor: Wolfman WR-1
Blade: Vintage NOS Schick Ultra Platinum (Made in Holland) (1)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel, Bootlegger's Perfecto Aftershave Lotion
Scent: Abbate y la Mantia Garibaldi Cologne
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