
West Yorkshire
Just a quick heads up for everyone. Only five days to Christmas... best to get your sprouts boiling now or they won't be soft enough on the day. I've found that when they've gone completely grey they're usually done... just a handy hint!
Hated them as a child but now indifferent to them. I try to blame the side effects on the dog but it never works as we don't have one.
Some quotes from Bottom (don't worry, they're clean, if you'll pardon the pun):

Dave Hedgehog (disappointedly): "Sprouts? So it really is Christmas then."

Richie: "Oh for heaven's sake, Eddie, nobody likes sprouts!"
Eddie (incredulously and annoyed): "Then why are we having them, then?"
Richie (shouting angrily): "Because it's Christmas!!!!"
MrDentini said:
Is this a traditional Christmas dish in UK?

Yes, they are served alongside the Turkey, roast potatoes and other vegetables. They are the subject of a lot of humour because, although most people don't like them, they are endured as part of the Christmas meal. They are also supposed to make you fart - another amusing aspect of the sprout.

Personally I quite like them, but if I'm buying greens to go with a meal I'll always reach for cabbage, broccoli or other green veg before the sprouts. Kind of proves I don't like them that much. I think I only eat them on Christmas day.
I lurves me sprouts, I does! Got no room to grow them in the garden nor the best of conditions but am most impressed with Gladys - very well done indeed! I'd much rather have sprouts over cabbage or broccoli but I do like romanesco which is really more of a cauliflower anyhoo. Hate when they're an over cooked, bleached mush but neither do I want to be crunching on 'em like a festive guinea pig. I'm with Cruciate - firm to the bite but cooked through and served just the way he mentioned. They are known throughout our family as the little green farty fruits and most of us like them with a few exceptions. Even liked 'em as a bairn.
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