Suitable travel case for Merkur Progress 510 (long handle)

Could I ask if anyone knows of a suitable travel case (of any kind) that would safely hold a long handled Merkur Progress with blade ?

The leather case i have for my other DE razors wont accomodate the width of the adjustment knob, and the plastic head cover that I have won't accommodate the bulky head of the Progress.

I could remove the blade each time, but would prefer something that makes it safe to leave in hotel room / luggage with blade still in place.

Thanks in advance.
Though I do not use my LH Progress these days, I have in the past used this Hans Kneibes leather pouch. Strangely the German maker does not ship to UK - got mine from firm in OZ.
Photos show Progress in and out of pouch.

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I have this case from Yaqi.
i got it from @Kevy around 18 months ago,
He came to my house with a few gifts.
I’m unsure where he got it but the Progress certainly sits well.
Iv never used it due to never taking one razor with me but it’s free to a good home should someone like it.
it’s brand new & never used.
i put the progress in for viewing purposes
Do you need more than just the head covered? Yes, the head is bulky (hence your plastic sleeve doesn't fit) but this kinda thing looks good:
That looks very neat.

The leather case i already have does now fit after I stretched it with a paintbrush handle (using it like a shoetree )

The head cover is a tiny stretch, but it does close and isn't touching the blade edges.
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